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The first thing the federation asked Shen Yue to do was to hand over the two liquid balls.

Shen Yue refused.

"That's Ge Ya's thing." Shen Yue said.

"Sir, this is the federal era, this is federal territory, prehistoric humans are a thing of the past." Shen Yue looked

at the scarecrow in the sky outside the window: "Then you ask it, have prehistoric humans really passed away?"

The negotiator's face changed. Changes, fear of the unknown about Ge Ya enveloped everyone.

Despite this, humans survived temporarily and safely for a month.

Until that day, the written symbols on the sky disappeared and turned into a countdown. This is the third month since the Scarecrow has arrived in the Federation.

With a 168-hour countdown, Goya has only given humans seven days. The sky above every planet is treated equally, and everyone is in panic again.

At that time, Shen Yue was being questioned by a third psychologist in the room. The psychologist never asked him about Ge Ya. He only asked him about Taliein and his two children.

Shen Yue knew that the Federation was wooing him, trying to transfer his emotions to the new humans.

Shen Yue felt that they did not need to do such useless work. For him now, Taliein and the two children were of course the most important thing.

"I have no ill intentions towards the Federation, and I believe that Ge Ya has no ill intentions towards the new humanity."

However, as soon as these words were spoken, the countdown began.

The expert stood in front of the window and looked at the countdown in the sky, saying, "I don't think this seems to be without malicious intent."

Shen Yue: "..."

On the first day of the countdown, the Federation tried to send a signal to the Scarecrow again.

However, the Scarecrow did not respond.

On the second day of the countdown, looting incidents of varying scales occurred on each planet. The price of interstellar flights to the Dark Empire has skyrocketed, making it difficult to get a ticket.

On the third day of the countdown, the Federation launched a fire attack on the Scarecrow.

The newly developed super laser destroyer ship launched a devastating attack on Gotto where Scarecrow was in space.

This is the most powerful laser weapon in history. The Federation calls it the Dauntless, which means that any solid objects and stars cannot withstand a second shot from the Dauntless.

Talleyn stood behind the transparent side of the Light and watched the sharp-edged Dauntless turn its cannon.

A super laser was like the full power of a burning star, and the burst of light made all the audience squint their eyes.

When people opened their eyes again with confidence, the scarecrow that they thought would disappear was still standing in the sky of Goto.

The Fearless One continued to fire the second laser, and the intense light once again filled the holographic screen.

When the light fades, everything remains the same. The scarecrow was unscathed, and the straight straw arm seemed to silently hit the federation in the face.

Tallie had expected this, so his face was expressionless.

People fell into madness again amid accumulated numbness and disappointment, and government troops had to step in to suppress the riots.

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