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Under the Golden Feather Building, soldiers pushed out a group of cages with slaves locked in them. These had not yet been sold at the auction house.

Not only are there slaves, there are also omegas who are locked in dark rooms on various floors for the entertainment of guests. They are either numb or crazy, and some have been tortured to the point of being out of shape and in horrible shapes.

Then there were various rare and large wild animals on the alien planet, as well as those beautiful mermaids swimming in the water tank, several of which were already dying.

At the end, Keqier's body was shoveled out by soldiers with shovels. His head had turned into a puddle of mud, which was in sharp contrast with his fat body.

News that [the First Legion is going to destroy the Golden Feather Building] spread on the Star Network.

Many people started live broadcasting the whole process directly outside the Jinyu Building.

As layers of darkness were uncovered, the barrage in the live broadcast room cursed the abomination and cruelty of the people behind the Jinyu Building.

[Unexpectedly, the scum that my younger brother spared was eventually dealt with by my elder brother. 】

【Kechir is dead, and the whole world celebrates. ]

[Oh my god, this kind of place should be bombarded directly. 】

【There are thousands of Golden Feather Buildings in Sisel. Unless Talleyin destroys Xisel completely, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. ]

[At least abolish slavery. It’s hard to imagine that this kind of slavery still exists today when machine butlers are common. ]

[On the official website, representatives have already launched a proposal to abolish slavery. It depends on whether it can succeed this time. ]

[Mermaids, omegas and alien animals... these are already illegal, right? The people behind them can be sentenced to death. ]

[Thinking too much, with the federal justice here, I guess the sentence will be a suspended sentence and a fine, but in the end it will not be Xiaoxiao unrestrained (funny)] [So I

don’t understand why Talie has such a brother? ]

[Taliein must be ashamed of this younger brother...]

The barrage began to thicken, and a blue battleship appeared on the screen.

Taliein stepped into the Golden Feather Building, and the subordinate officer immediately said:

"Marshal, everything is ready and can be bombed at any time."

Taliein seemed to remember something, and turned inside the building. He walked into Keqier's room. A dark room, searching with eyes.

"What are you looking for, Marshal?" the subordinate asked.

"Where's that ball?" Taliein remembered that Shen Yue had been holding the liquid ball in his hand. In the rush later, Shen Yue lost strength and the ball rolled on the ground.

Talie did not take this ball into consideration at that time, but now that he thinks about it, Shen Yue's many adventures were all related to the liquid ball.

"This room is the key point. We have searched everywhere and there is no such ball as you mentioned...but the guard guarding the door said that a gentleman took away a ball before because he was a member of the Golden Feather Building. , so the guards didn't stop him, do you want to chase him back?"

"No." After thinking about it, Tallie knew that the man was Cyril, and suddenly there was an inexplicable irritability and unhappiness in his chest.

The officer was unsure of Talleyn's attitude for a moment: "Marshal, are you going to continue the bombing?"

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