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"I only know a little more about the marshal than others. More than ten years ago, I was about to be promoted to colonel and take over the affairs of the previous adjutant. He was my teacher and told me not to talk about it. The matter between the marshal's brother and his mother, especially the marshal's mother. This warning has long become a tacit understanding in the hearts of all adjutants, just like the 'ancestral precepts' passed down." Shen Yue asked: "So, is the marshal's mother still alive

? ?"

Gener shook his head solemnly: "Mrs. Kleike died, or she died when the marshal was underage." "

How did she die?"

Gner's eyes were deep: "Regarding this matter, the Kleike family has always I'm keeping it secret. I'm not sure how he died, or whether it has something to do with the marshal."

Shen Yue asked again: "What about Taliein's father?"

"He has also passed away. He died of the third mental differentiation. It is said that after the death of Mr. The madam's mental state has never been normal. Later, the marshal's youngest brother also died. The eldest lady fell into despair and became addicted to a terrible hallucination drug. Of course, this matter has not been confirmed, and I don't know anything about it after that. "Shen Yue

calmed down and said with a solemn expression: "Will mental differentiation kill people?"

"The three special mental differentiations of the Kleike family, this is the price that a strong person needs to pay." "

How did Taliein's brother die? Genna

looked complicated: "They said the marshal killed him."

Shen Yue frowned: "Them? Who are they?" "

Just some rumors." Genna looked at Shen Yue: "What do you think?"

Shen Yue said The more he didn't answer, it seemed that Taliein's situation was more complicated than he thought.

Before leaving, Gena said: "There is actually a theory about the death of the eldest lady..." Shen

Yue looked back at him: "What?"

Gena frowned and finally sighed: "It's nothing... take care of yourself. ."

Gena probably knew something, but he refused to tell himself.

Shen Yue only felt a headache.

"Didn't you say throw away the mask and just kiss me?" Taliein knelt on the bed, his golden hair extending all the way to the bed. He stepped forward on his knees and was almost tripped by his own hair.

But his eyes looked at Shen Yue expectantly.

Shen Yue walked over, put his hands around his head, gathered the hair behind his ears, and tied it with a tissue on the table.

Suddenly there was a pain in his chest. Shen Yue looked down and saw that the right side of his chest was a little wet. Unsurprisingly, Taliein bit him through his clothes.

Judging from what Gena said, Shen Yue suddenly realized something terrifying: This guy doesn't think of himself as his mother anymore!

"..." This is definitely the biggest headache in his history as a divine healer.

Taliein knelt on the bed and hugged his waist with such strength that the metal buckles on his sleeves were almost embedded in his bones, and his chest pressed against his head.

Shen Yue lowered his head and wanted to kiss him. As soon as he touched him, he was attracted by Taliein's passionate kiss. His hands wrapped around his neck and pressed down. Shen Yue was caught off guard and fell on him. Immediately, the world turned upside down. Taliein had already Press his whole body under you.

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