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"Hey! Shen Yue, what are you doing in such a hurry? I've been looking for you for a long time!" In the corridor, Qiao Qi shouted to the passing shadow.

The toilet door is closed. Qiao Qi said outside the toilet: "Shen Yue, are you afraid? Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Finally, a voice came from inside: "What are you talking about?"

"Are you afraid of Zhu Ling? I I heard Zhu Ling woke up!"


Qiao Qi thought more and more strangely: "What's wrong with your voice?"

"It's okay."

Qiao Qi remembered that in school, Shen Yue often locked himself in the toilet and refused to let him see it.

Now that I think about it, it was probably crying alone after being bullied.

The more Qiao Qi thought about it, the more distressed he became, and he said softly: "Come out, they don't dare to do anything to you in the First Legion." Shen Yue

stretched his back, resting his elbows on the cooking table, and water flowed down from the back of his head, covering his head. His dark eyes.

The cold water could not dilute the hot skin, and the veins floated faintly on the side of the neck, as if something was shaking under the skin.

He was actually hooked to this point by Talleyin's pheromones.

So much so that he ran away without even thinking about the green box.

After completely hiding the pheromones and confirming that everything was normal, just like an ordinary beta, he opened the door.

Qiao Qizheng outside the door looked at him in a panic: "Are you okay?"

Shen Yue: "What did you just say?"

"Zhu Ling is awake. Didn't that guy faint in the laboratory of the Divine Therapy Department a while ago? Later, I went to the medical department for treatment. I have always wanted to ask you, but I couldn't find a chance to ask, what happened to that guy? Eh? Why did she faint as soon as she entered the laboratory? It must have something to do with you, right?" Qiao Qi was curious. the baby asked.

Shen Yue thought about it very seriously: "Really? Is she hypoglycemic?"

Qiao Qi: "(°ー°〃)"

Shen Yue: "..."

Silent for forty seconds.

——"To be honest, it's possible."


In the corridor, the technical soldier said to Duke: "The concentration detected here is already lower than normal, and there is no way to detect it anymore."

In the entire legion, In the pheromone library, no pheromone matching the aura in the battleship was found, so Duke could only have people use detectors to search as much as possible.

Duke looked at the dormitory corridor in front of him and said, "Does this mean that the person is not here?"

The technician said, "It's hard to say, because there is only a little bit of pheromones collected in the battleship, and the detector has already detected it here. It’s not easy anymore, or it’s just passing through here, or the pheromones are too mixed and it’s covered up.”

Duke raised his head and glanced at the dormitory corridor in front of him.

"Who lives here?"

The subordinate retrieved the information from the optical brain: "They are all students from the military academy, and one of them is the grandson of the former president of the Federation Council, Tijes."

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