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People will never forget the day when Geya arrived. It is known as the most terrifying day in the history of the interstellar world. Some people even voluntarily underwent memory erasure surgery in an attempt to forget everything about Geya.

Things started a month ago.

That day, the warships of the Dark Legion jumped at high speed and launched an attack on the star gate of the goddess Daisy.

This was an ordinary day, and the small troubles of the Dark Legion could no longer attract more attention from the people of the Federation.

"Currently, it is known that the enemy has two giant aircraft carriers and warships in formation. The firepower on board the ships is unknown, and the number of people on board is unknown. The large formation of cruisers is not counted, and the number of people varies. There are still a large number of warships approaching the goddess Daisy at the ultimate leap speed. Please The headquarters will send additional firepower for assistance."

"Please ask the Marshal for instructions as to whether the Guangming will jump to the Star Gate of Daisy Goddess."

Tallie quickly held a meeting and issued the order. No matter Shen Yue's persuasion, he decided to go to the front of the battle line in person.

Shen Yue knew that he could not persuade him, but he thought that the medical conditions in the Space Force were no worse than Nora's, so he could only go to the battlefield with him.

In front of the door of Daisy Goddess Star, firepower is fully covered.

In order to prevent the enemy's surprise attack, the First Legion opened a long front, and the strategic plan formulated by Taliein himself was absolutely strict and impeccable.

Although the Dark Legion had stronger firepower, they had not yet broken through the defense line.

However, seeing more and more giant enemy battleships arriving on the battlefield, it brought huge psychological pressure to the space forces guarding the first line of defense.

The firepower has been gradually suppressed, the defense line has been gradually thinned, and many defense warships exploded and sank in space.

Until the arrival of the Eros, a layer of protective shield was suddenly added to the psychology of all soldiers, and the huge figure of the Eros swept across the galaxy like the belly of a whale.

The arrival of the Eros means that the First Marshal has arrived on the battlefield in person, and more warships have joined in to support it.

The Dark Army refused to miss the opportunity and continued to suppress them with fierce firepower.

The particle stream cannons and rail guns of war are densely intertwined in the vast universe like a network of glowing lines.

Proton torpedoes from both the enemy and ours continued bombing, and super laser annihilators were launched intensively, destroying countless warships.

When the two sides reached a stalemate, the mecha formation would join the battle to break the deadlock, but this time, the opponent's second prince did not appear in the mecha formation, and the leader was another red mecha.

The fierce firepower, ruthless determination, ruthless, almost crazy fighting style, and crazy massacre shocked everyone.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen cosmic mechas were completely destroyed by him.

This terrifying destruction rate and firepower have only been seen on the 3S-level Taliein.

However, Talleyn's battles were not half as ruthless as this man's.

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