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When he said that he wanted to invite Talie to listen to the vocal performance, the person on the other side of Guang Nao's expression froze obviously: "What?" "

You don't have time, just forget it? Then I'll invite Qiao Qi." Shen Yue hesitated.

"You dare!"


Taliein turned off the imaging, and only his voice could be heard: "When will you go?"

"Eight o'clock in the evening."

"I know." There was some impatience in his tone.

Then the call was cut off, and Shen Yue was stunned for a moment: This guy can't even listen to music, right...

Talie rubbed the edge of the hat in his hand because of his strong hands, and glanced at the desk in front of him. Gerner: "Are you having cramps?"

Gurner suppressed his smile and coughed: "Sorry, I've been catching a cold recently." He

actually wanted to invite Talleyn Klerk to listen to the vocal band...is it a date? As expected of you, Shen Yue...

Although it is unbelievable, but judging from his experience as Lin Yuan, the adjutant of Taliein for many years, the more impatient the tone, the more nervous and expectant he is in his heart.

Before setting off, Taliein found that he didn't even have any casual clothes.


"Marshal, they are all here."

"Why are they all in military uniforms?"

Gner had already expected it: "Just put on your shirt, no jacket is needed."

Taliein suspected that this was not sincere.

Genna said: "You are just going on a date, there is no need to be so grand." As

soon as the word "date" came out, Talie's whole body was about to explode. His fingers that were about to grab the military jacket stopped on the spot. It was neither a grab nor a grab. No, her eyes were wide open, as if to say:

This is not a date!

Genna pretended that he didn't see it and took out the mask that he had prepared long ago: "Marshal, the aircraft and ship are ready. The time is coming. Please be sure to wear a mask to avoid unnecessary..." "

Shut up. !" Taliein gave him a cold look, threw the hat on his head to him, and then disappeared from the door.

Genna couldn't help but admire Shen Yue. If it were a year ago, he would rather believe that the universe exploded overnight than believe that his marshal would go on a date at the opera house nervously.

The performance is called Night Dew, and the singing group is the most famous chorus group in the world - the King Orchestra.

Because it was the premiere of a new piece, half of the tickets were reserved by the opera house, and half required bidding to qualify for a lottery. Ordinary people could only stay away.

It took a lot of effort for Shen Yue to get these two tickets.

There were not many people at the entrance of the theater. Most of the people who entered were ladies and gentlemen in very formal clothes. Most of the people waiting by the dock were slightly younger men, who were obviously waiting for their date just like him.

Finally seeing someone coming off the shuttle, Shen Yue quickly took off his mask and walked forward quickly.

As soon as Talie got off the aircraft, he was put on a mask. In the lounge, Mitland looked at Shen Yue in surprise: "I thought Master Shen was at least a senior who was over a hundred years old." Although clones exist in modern times, eyes cannot deceive people. Shen Yue looks like a young student. Shen Yue smiled awkwardly: "Of course not." In fact, he was probably over a hundred years old. He had been studying whether Talleyn's toxins were affected by music. The King Band was also the most qualified of all the bands he had paid attention to: all members had strong vocal skills, and everyone's mental strength was not weak. For this reason, Shen Yue specially adapted the song "Dew of the Night" from the Goya era and sent it to the King Band. He originally wanted to give it a try, but unexpectedly it was accepted by the vocal band and received tickets from the organizer. Otherwise, with his lack of money and power, he really wouldn't be able to get two tickets to the opera house. Mitran herself is already a second-generation clone, and is actually quite old. She shook her head in disbelief: "You were cloned and regenerated, right? I don't believe that a young soul can compose such a score." " Because this book is adapted from songs from my hometown." "Where is your hometown?" Shen Yue's eyes were deep and he shook his head lightly: "It was lost a long time ago." Mitland was fascinated by the ancient loneliness in his eyes. Infected, he sighed unconsciously. "If the King's Orchestra is interested in the second part of Dew of the Night, I will send it to you, but I have a request." Mitlan obviously no longer cared about Shen Yue's real age, and his cheeks turned red with excitement: " Is there really a second part?”

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