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The so-called butterfly hill highland is actually a huge open valley. The highland is relative to the shore of the open valley abyss.

Looking down from space, you can see an irregular oval basin with gradient colors, like an eye of a cosmic butterfly.

In the mercenary army, Shen Yue's optical brain had already entered the location of the mining base.

Following the location, the mining base was located in a secret location in the open valley. Shen Yue drove the aerostat, flying across the sky like a meteor.


In the sky above the mining base, a large hole was broken in the arc-shaped metal composite roof, and a floating vehicle fell directly from the sky and fell to the ground.

Shen Yue climbed out of the aerostat. At the same time, the alarm in the base blared loudly, and countless laser points were pointed at him.

If the robot hadn't automatically recognized him as a human, Shen Yue would have been a sieve at this point.

The entire base is egg-shaped, with dozens of huge potholes on the ground that extend deep into the ground. The rock-drilling robot is working in an orderly manner.

A huge mechanical arm emerged from the ground.

"Shen Yue?"

On the palm of the mechanical giant arm is a luxurious and soft configuration that is incompatible with the surrounding steel base. A man in a suit and leather shoes is sitting on a sofa made of blue animal skin, with top-grade red wine in his hand and a elegant gold frame. Glasses, and a strange-shaped decanter on the table next to him.

At first glance, this coquettish configuration is that of his powerful and wealthy boss - K.

Behind K stood a muscular man as usual, K's right-hand man, Cyril, the mercenary captain who had led them to the base before.

The reason why Shen Yue initially chose to join K's mercenaries among many mining groups was actually for one main reason: that is, K's mining base is located in the open valley of Dieqiu Highlands.

The Dieqiu Kuang Valley is the deep valley formed by the fall of a fatal meteorite 100,000 years ago.

One hundred thousand years ago, the mother planet was hit by an extraterrestrial meteorite. During the last three months of his life and death, he was sealed in a liquid ball as fire and lost consciousness. After that, what happened to the mother star and what happened to mankind? What, he actually doesn’t know anything yet.

Before the meteorite hit, this place happened to be the most prosperous capital city of the prehistoric empire. It concentrated the wisdom and cultural crystallization of prehistoric humans.

Now one hundred thousand years have passed, and the world has changed dramatically. Shen Yue himself was not sure whether traces of prehistoric people could still be found.

"I thought you had become Red Mammoth's daddy." Cyril's aloof appearance actually made him joke.


The robotic arm descended, and K sat firmly on the sofa. A whole mobile luxury suite landed in front of Shen Yue. K looked at the corner of his mouth and smiled meaningfully: "So Hongmao captured you. Are you going just to take a bite out of your mouth?"

Shen Yue: "...I'm not that enthusiastic." "Anyway,

it's gratifying to be alive and worth celebrating."

"It's not too late for me to return to the team now, right?"

K looked at it Eyeing the hole above the base: "Of course it's not too late. If it's quick, it can be paid off in a year and a half." "

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