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In the dormitory, Shen Yue rinsed his hands clean repeatedly and solemnly picked up the notebook.

This is a retro notebook. The cover has turned yellow. Shen Yue exerted his mental power on the lock. With a slight click, the notebook opened automatically. The old papers seemed to be given life and automatically fluttered in the air. arrangement.

Shen Yue stood up and almost shouted.

That’s Goya text!

Rows and rows of symbols were all ancient, long-lost characters that he was familiar with.

His throat tightened, and blood rushed to his brain. He took a deep breath to calm down, and found a photo from the notebook.

The photo shows a dark gray planet, with dozens of beautiful planets gathered around the two stars in the upper left corner.

Why specifically mark a dark gray planet? Is this J346?

But he checked the Anaconda Galaxy and found that there was no star system like this.

Cyril's father was a beta named Tang En. During the Goya era, he was a school-level officer in the Space Force. Shen Yue had never heard of this name.

However, in his notes, Tang En mentioned the name Shen Yue many times.

However, when he was separated from his spiritual and genetic bodies, it caused a sensation in the entire human race, so Tang En knew that he was not surprised.

As for the other two people, Tang En and Shen Yue had no clue at all.

It's a pity that Tang En, after searching for more than two hundred years, still couldn't find his way home or his companions. He died on the way back to Kate because of the radiation.

But Tang En did not find nothing. He discovered another planet outside the Python Galaxy, which is the planet in the photo. It is very likely that it is the second signpost left by the Goya humans.

Shaking away the slight sadness in his heart, Shen Yue used his optical brain to identify it, but he didn't find any information about this planet.

"Shen Yue...why didn't you say anything when you came back?" Qiao Qi called him outside the room.

Shen Yue put away his notes and opened the door. Qiao Qi was about to take his hand and was stunned for a moment, looking at him in shock.

"What's wrong?"

"Why...every time you come back...you...become...more handsome!!" Qiao Qi hugged his shoulders exaggeratedly.

"And... every time... tut tut tut." He pointed at the corner of his mouth with a hehe expression on his face.

Shen Yue walked to the bathroom and covered the wound at the corner of his mouth with concealer.

Qiao Qi followed him to the door and said angrily: "I'm so angry. Let me tell you, the video of you helping Jiang Kai in the fitness room went viral. Some trolls said that you took advantage of Tijes and you didn't go. In class, they said you had a guilty conscience, but don't worry, I will help you fight back!"

Shen Yue almost forgot about it: "So, I have become a celebrity on the forum again?"

"Hey, you are now But you are a big star that is well-known in the whole school. Of course, there are many people supporting you, and your CP circle has gained fans! Although it is only a little bit..."

"What circle?" Shen Yue was confused.

"It's the relationship between you and Taliein! ​​Now there are several fan articles! There are also various gossip posts! I am now the administrator!" Shen Yue couldn't help

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