Side Story 1

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Monday's morning rush hour, on the crowded subway, the office workers who had just finished the weekend were generally a little sleepy.

The people in the car next to them were automatically separated in a circle, and a man stood in the middle of the crowd. His gloomy aura made people suspect that it was already winter.

The weather forecast says it will be sunny today, but why does it feel so cold?

Although the man's gloominess made people uncomfortable, it still couldn't stop people's eyes from falling on him across the mountains and rivers. His long golden hair caught the most attention, his rare purple eyes were very sharp, and his suit was neat and fit.

In this intertwined world of troubles, he was the only one to carve out a sober and calm aura.

Why does such a person need to take the subway to work?

This was indeed Talie's first time taking the subway. He had a traffic accident on the way to the company. In order not to delay the meeting, he had to go back to the company by himself, leaving the driver to deal with it alone.

It's the morning rush hour, so it's not easy to get a taxi, so you can only take the subway.

After all, the company is near the subway entrance, and the subway will not be late or traffic jam, it is the fastest way.

The next station was relatively deserted, with only two or three people coming up.

Shen Yue was among them.

As soon as the door opened, the two people's eyes met exactly.

Shen Yue paused and walked into the subway.

Unexpectedly, I met my top boss on the subway on my first day at work.

Shen Yue was hired by a headhunting company to join Kleike Company. Before coming, of course, he had already understood the background of the other company, especially the most powerful general manager.

It's just that Clay Hakka has a great cause, so the other party shouldn't know him.

The entire carriage looked like it was missing a front tooth, leaving only one empty space next to Taliein.

Shen Yue walked into the gap between the front teeth calmly.

He stood behind him, keeping a little distance.

The subway started again, and Taliein stared at the advertisements placed outside.

Shen Yue looked at his long golden hair, which was as soft as a golden waterfall and pressed against the owner's back.

At another stop, a child carrying a schoolbag hurried off the subway and accidentally stepped on Taliein's shoe.

Seeing the brand new leather shoes with a sneaker mark, the perpetrator actually wanted to escape. Talleyn reached out and grabbed the child's schoolbag strap.

As a result, the child ran too fast, and because of the inertia, he bounced on Taliein.

The two of them bumped into Shen Yue backwards.

"Be careful." Shen Yue stretched out his hand.

"I'm sorry, uncle..." The primary school student turned around and looked at the gloomy long-haired adult in horror.

Talie did not speak. A pair of hands behind him were holding his arms to prevent him from falling, and a very special breath entered his nose.

The golden hair also rubbed against Shen Yue's face.

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