Side Story 3

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While Shen Yue was eating, a new friend request popped up on his phone.

Click on the friend request, the avatar is a kitten, and the signature is Talleyn Klecker.

Which group general manager these days would use a cat as an avatar and take the initiative to add the WeChat accounts of his subordinates?

The most important point is that he remembers someone complaining that the general manager's avatar is the company's logo?

Can the liar’s deception be a little newer?

Shen Yue refused without mercy.

"Shen Yue, why haven't I seen you go to the restaurant to eat in the past few days? There are a lot of new dishes."

Shen Yue stopped a hand that was about to pat his shoulder in advance: "Supervisor, where is my one-week vacation?"

Du Ke coughed and said: "Of course, how could I forget that it is not only a paid vacation, but also an overseas trip at public expense." Shen Yue sneered: "Business trip?"


said earnestly: "How many people do you need to know? I'm rushing to go. I specifically recommend you, and it's also about this batch of equipment. The general manager is going abroad for inspection. He needs a knowledgeable person to accompany him." "

Isn't it the right thing for you to go for this kind of thing?"

"I I’m not familiar with it. You happened to have lived in country A and studied for a Ph.D. there. I won’t be greedy for credit. Didn’t you also say that the general manager has a good temper? For you, this is a good job. ."

Shen Yue said: "Can I ask, why are you afraid of the general manager?"

Duke was silent for a moment: "Is this something a normal person can ask? Can a normal person not be afraid?"

"...When are you going? "

The flight is at two o'clock in the morning."

Shen Yue almost wanted to pry his brain open: "It's two o'clock in the morning, and you're telling me now?" "

The general manager's schedule is so busy. He flies at night and leaves the next morning. If you can go to country A, you can travel."

"Travel?" Shen Yue smiled.

Duke pretended not to see: "By the way, I pushed your number to the general manager, remember to approve it."

Shen Yue looked at the grayed out friend and asked: "As a subordinate, how can you let your boss take the initiative to add you? Me? Please give me the general manager's account."

Duke said with a dead eye, "You wouldn't...reject the general manager's friend request?"


So Duke gave the general manager's account again. Pushed to Shen Yue.

Shen Yue looked at the familiar company logo on the profile picture and fell into deep thought.

So where did that cat avatar come from?

Shen Yue applied to be added as Taliein's friend, and then sat there waiting for the verdict like a suspect.

ten minutes later.

The other party has approved your friend request.

[Sorry, General Manager, I was delayed just now. ]

followed by the standard emoticons for humble working people:


Talie did not reply to him.

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