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Talie quickly and decisively issued the order to take the initiative.

Immediately afterwards, an emergency meeting of the legion was started to simply prepare the deployment strategy and defensive countermeasures.

At the battleship meeting, virtual imaging is transmitting battlefield images in real time.

[Our first formation has discovered the enemy warship and opened fire in full force. ]

[The enemy's F1008 medium-sized warship has been shot down by our side]

[The enemy's F785 assault ship has been shot down by our side. 】

【warn! The enemy cruiser K1474 has broken through our first line of defense, and the second line of defense is weak. Please give the commander an order! 】

The system constantly prompts the latest situation on the battlefield.

Everyone waited with bated breath.

The main purpose of coming to Gotuo this time was to clean up the red mammoth disaster. I never thought that the Dark Legion, which had been dormant for many years, would break the truce agreement and launch a temporary raid.

Now the military force of the Goto system is dominated by machine soldiers, and there is no way for federal backup to arrive in time. It might be difficult to deal with the onslaught of the Dark Legion.

Everyone looked at Talleyn.

Taliein stood up, his words full of power: "The second formation is under my personal command! Inform the commander of the third line of defense to mobilize the third mecha division to immediately assist the second line of defense." "


Sonorous and powerful echoes echoed throughout the meeting.

At the space station, Taliein entered the main cabin of the starship, and the giant starship instantly disappeared into the stars like a point of light.

The officers rushed to their posts, and someone whispered: "I found that the Marshal's mental strength seems to be..."

Another officer gave him a shut-up look.

Someone loudly said: "Marshal is the strongest alpha of the Kleike family. According to time, he is about to undergo his third differentiation, so his mental power will naturally be a little unstable."

Many people immediately agreed.

However, everyone's face is actually not optimistic.

In the vast interstellar space, the bright lights that flicker in the distance are the bodies of sunk starships.

The starship Taliein is on is an aircraft carrier called the Everlasting, equipped with various types of escort warships and equipped with its own defense satellites.

The most important hull has hundreds of space mecha cabins, which contain various space mecha equipment and the most sophisticated interstellar mecha warriors. The entire mothership is like a space giant.

Taliein stood in the main control room, and the vast space battlefield appeared before his eyes.

The warships of the Dark Legion lined up in an orderly manner. The aftermath caused by the particle cannons and gravity bombs blurred the vision of the soldiers in the warships and made the floor tremble under their feet.

The constant sound of sirens spread throughout every corner of the starship.

Shen Yue sat in the ball, bored, resting his head on one hand. Through the layers of thick and hard hatches, you can still feel the terrifying firepower.

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