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According to the practice of previous years, the congress lasted for ten days and a half. Every representative had the opportunity to express his or her opinions. The live broadcast would continue, and the screen would be filled with barrage.

At this session of the Federal Citizens' Congress, Tianqiao people became the center of the topic.

"Regarding the double S-class mental power of the second prince of the Dark Empire, there are rumors that it was stimulated by drugs and electrotherapy. Compared with Marshal Talleyn's 3S-class, the Federation still has the advantage in terms of mecha formations and troops. The most important thing now is The most important thing is to find the Skywalkers."

"Everyone who currently claims to be a Skybridger on StarNet is just sensationalizing after the federal investigation. As for who the real Skybridger is, how powerful he is, and what his position is, we still don't know... Therefore, citizens need to treat the affairs of the Tianqiao people rationally."

In the virtual image, the tall and spacious Great Hall accommodates tens of thousands of representatives of the Federation. As the first marshal of the Federation, Talleyn's image is in the top seat. Next to him are several members of the council and ministers of various ministries.

The barrages came one after another. Perhaps the conference was a bit boring, and many people's attention was gradually attracted by Taliein.

[The marshal is really handsome...]

[Taliein is not married yet, is he waiting for me? ]

[Sister, I would never dream of being as bold as you. ]

[Have you noticed that Taliein is getting...prettier? ]

[emmm... Put it this way, the bird is indeed becoming more and more attractive. ]

[Why is there such a beautiful and handsome alpha? It just kills me! 】

【Please Taliein to get married soon! My girlfriend said she won’t get married unless Talie gets married! 】

As a result, posts asking Talie to get married quickly spread quickly on Xingwang.

Netizens across the federation have joined the army of urging marriage, urging Talie to get married and have children as soon as possible so that he can pass on the strong A gene.

However, they still don't know that the strongest alpha in their eyes is acting coquettishly in the arms of a beta and refuses to let go.

Behind the desk, on the office chair that belongs exclusively to the marshal, the person sitting at this time is not the marshal.

Shen Yue sat on a chair, with a certain guy serving as a human cushion, and a blond head nestled in the crook of his neck, looking on coldly.

"Taliein, you are still in a meeting..." Shen Yue pressed down his hand that was groping everywhere on his body.

Although the real-time imaging connection was temporarily cut off, this was the annual Federation Conference. Everyone was staring at him closely. If the entire Federation accidentally saw their First Marshal's lazy and coquettish look, , that was really explosive.

"The Federation has many people who make decisions."

Talleyn's knees were resting on the armrests, and a hand was on his shoulders. He was completely different from the cold and gloomy figure shown on the imager.

Anyway, except for military deployment, he has never been interested in things like politics, and he has nothing outstanding. In politics, Xia Zuo is enough for the Kleike family.

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