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In the past few days, the marshal's office has been requiring that the meals be light and appetizing, and that there should be no food that is prone to miscarriage. Coupled with the rumored prenatal checkup incident in the medical office, many subordinates have already speculated that Shen Yue is pregnant.

Naturally, news also spread on the Star Network.

[No wonder there was a sudden truce. The marshal really loved his wife as much as her life, so he went back directly. ]

[Ah ah ah, so it’s true that beta can also be born! ]

[This is too fast! ]

[Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... I’ve always stood by Tianqiaoren × Taliein! 】

【I also! But she is a beta...]

Talie happened to suffer from nausea in the first trimester these days. Sitting in the meeting, his face was gloomy and he felt uncomfortable all over.

As for the reason for the sudden truce, the federal government hoped that the First Army Corps would give a reasonable explanation. Talie replied lazily and closed the meeting.

Although it's not to the point of vomiting, I just can't eat anything, even when I see anything to eat. People who were never picky eaters now have to rely on nutritional supplements.

Fortunately, there is no need to fight anymore and he can rely on Shen Yue all day long. He is very satisfied.

Only Shen Yue was worried. The doctor also said that during pregnancy, nutritional supplements are only a last resort, and necessary daily meals must be ensured.

The agricultural cultivation cabin of the Eros basically contains the required ingredients, and the Marshal's daily recipes are carefully selected by professional nutritionists and are rich and comprehensive.

Shen Yue's special request for light appetizers also allowed the kitchen to create a variety of dishes.

Shen Yue still often coaxed Taliein to eat a little.

In fact, Talie was not really to the point where he couldn't eat. He just wanted to see Shen Yue anxious for him and still trying to coax him.

Just... enjoying it?

The Eros traveled through space for a month before finally arriving at Nora.

The closer he got to Clerk Manor, the more anger and cold murderous intent appeared in Shen Yue's eyes.

For the first time, the clan leader Angkola went to the shipyard to pick them up in person, and Xia Zuo was also there.

Shen Yue asked: "Isn't Semis here?"

Xia Zuo didn't understand why he suddenly cared about Semis, and complained: "When Semis doesn't have to work, he keeps tinkering with the potions in the room. He looks more and more like a sick chemist... Why do you ask?"

Shen Yue said: "Nothing, I have something to ask him about."

Taliein didn't care what Shen Yue was looking for Semis, he felt uncomfortable now.

Xia Zuo saw that Shen Yue had a cold look on his face. People like him rarely had such expressions. He was afraid that Semis would offend him again and wanted to ask again.

"Leave." A cold voice sounded, and Taliein interrupted Xia Zuo's question.

Seeing that Shen Yue was still thinking about finding someone else, Taliein secretly pulled his sleeves with his hands urgently. Shen Yue knew that a certain big cat could no longer bear it, and placed his palms on his waist through his clothes. I rubbed it and tried to comfort him.

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