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A post titled [Shen Yue, don’t touch the porcelain flyover people] went viral overnight on StarNet.

The poster pointed out that Shen Yue has been using the popularity of Tianqiao people to whitewash himself.

Although Shen Yue himself has nothing to be ashamed of, his marriage to Taliein as an ordinary beta is the biggest black mark.

What the poster said is reasonable.

First of all, Shen Yue's age was inconsistent. If he could really hold Taliein when he was a child, he would be at least ten years older than Taliein and would definitely not be a student.

Second, in that shopping mall video, the designer of the sweatshirt style worn by the Tianqiao people was not even born at the time. How could he travel through time and space and appear in the shopping mall decades ago?

These two inconsistencies are enough to make people suspicious.

Poster: [The most important thing: I watched all the information videos that I could find about Shen Yue from childhood to adulthood. Let’s not talk about mental strength. It is impossible to disguise a person’s temperament. Let’s talk about that humble and humble temperament and... How do the Tianqiao people look alike? 】

Some people retorted: 【But their hands have been certified by professional experts? ]

[Okay, many of those fake Tianqiao people who were exposed before had their palm prints and bones modified. It's not impossible with today's technology. 】

【Actually, what the original poster said makes sense. I also found something wrong with the clothes of the flyover man in the video, but the netizens were so excited that I didn’t dare to say 233】

[I can understand you saying that Shen Yue touched the porcelain flyover man, that tower What about Lie Yin? Does he deserve it? ]

[Haha, who knows? ]

[Please, Taliein never mentioned the word "overpass man". CP fans are so excited. ]

[Anyway, I have always felt that Shen Yue is no better than Tijies. They are all tea. What is Talleyin doing?]

[So what is it like now? I am in a bad mood, so I go to Tijies. Let me scold you. 】

【Add me, anyway, white lotus tea is suitable for vomiting. 】

As a result, part of the flood surged under Tiejes's account.

I don’t know if he was scolded to the point of breaking his defense, but Tijes finally responded to the netizens, saying that he had never said anything about being called off the engagement, and would not make trouble for others. It was always the excessive speculation of netizens.

This attitude immediately triggered a counterattack from netizens.

[Yes, you didn't say anything. When Shen Yue was scolded, you really didn't say anything. 】

【The knife didn't cut you and you didn't know it hurt. Now you know it hurts. Are you pretending to be innocent? Real tea! ]

[To guide public opinion to your side, you are worse than Shen Yue! ]

[ Let me tell you something, that guy hasn't apologized to Clerk yet. ]

[Please, I'm a noble, and now I'm still the colonel of the Mecha Department and the superior of the Divine Healing Department. What can I say? ]

[Throwing dirty water on the marshal, he was not expelled from the First Army Corps. It should be said that Taliein still distinguishes between public and private matters. 】

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