Shopping in London

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I like to go shopping. It's a great way to relieve stress for most people. I like it because I can meet new people and see cute boys... that might make me sound like a stalker, but it's totally true and you know it. A good reason to shop in London, is to walk by all of the celebrities that live here. I've seen Zoella on the streets before! Zoella. The Vlogger. I'm sure I've seen Harry Styles as well, but I don't know if it was him for sure.

I walk into Chanel and look around. So many things I know I won't have for a couple of years, or my birthday. My grandma is a designer for Chanel.

"Well, look who it is."

I turn around at the voice.

"Hi, Brooklyn."

"Good morning, Madison," he says and wraps his arms around me.

Oh my gosh, this feels so good.

"Who are you here with?"

"My mum and sister," he says and nods over to a dark haired woman with a little girl.

The little girl turns around and I almost awe out loud.

"You're little sister is adorable."

"Would you like to meet them?"

Woah, he just asked me if I want to meet his mum and sister.

"Are you sure?"

He nods his head and takes my hand in his. Oh my gosh. He walks me over to his two family members.

"Mum, Harper," Brooklyn says. They turn around and look at him. "This is Madison."

Oh my gosh. No. This is not real life. This cannot be real life. Oh my.

"Hello," his mum says.

Oh my gosh.

"Hello," Harper says shyly.

I bend down to her lever, even though there is a very cool mum right in front of me.

"Hi, Harper."

"You are pretty," she says.

"Thank you, but you're prettier."

I stand up straight and smile at Brooklyn's mum. Oh gosh.

"I'm Victoria."

Oh my gosh, she's introducing herself to me.


She knows my name. Gosh. Posh Spice knows my name.

"Would you like to go shopping with us?"

She just asked me to go shopping with them. Victoria Beckham just asked me if I wanted to go shopping with her son and daughter. Oh my gosh. Brooklyn is her son! How could I not tell! He looks exactly like his dad. Oh my goodness.

Okay, act cool, Madison. Do not embarrass yourself, even though you embarrassed yourself when you met Brooklyn. You literally touched a wall.


"Great! Well, let's go then."

Victoria grabs Harper's hand and leads the way out of the store. Brooklyn grabs my hand and we walk out and follow his mum and sister.

Brooklyn gets two pairs of sunglasses out of his pocket and hands me a pair. He puts his pair on and turns to me.

"Want to be spy's, Madi?"

He already has a nickname for me.

"Of course."

He smiles and turns back around. He's just so cute.

"Where would you like to go, Madison?"


"I'm going to guess you love H&M?"

I nod my head.

"Then let's start there!"

Oh my gosh. It is official. I'm shopping with three Beckhams. This is awesome. This is real life. Oh gosh, this is real life.

The four of us walk across the street and onto the opposite sidewalk. I know, I'm confusing sometimes.

Victoria opens the door of H&M for us and I smile at her as a thank you. Maybe Mum does know her! She might not though.

"Where would you like to go?"

"It doesn't matter," I tell Victoria Beckham.

"Brooklyn," she says and Brooklyn looks at him mum. "You and Harper go find some clothes while Madison and I find some."

Brooklyn drops my hand and takes his sister's. They walk away from us and I turn to Victoria. She smiles at me and grabs my hand. She guides me over to the ladies section.

"Where did you and Brooklyn meet?"

"We actually met two days ago at the Real Madrid game."

"You were there?"

"Yeah," I say and search for a dress.

I silently gasp as I find a very pretty short-sleeved white/striped jersey dress. I look at the price tag. £12.99.

After an hour of shopping, Victoria has an armful of clothes while I only have two dresses; the striped white one and a white Embroidered dress. We meet Brooklyn and Harper at the check out. Victoria puts her clothes on the counter and Brooklyn does the same for him and Harper.

I suddenly start to dance. Oh no. I have to pee.

"Brooklyn, can you hold my clothes?"

He nods his head and takes them.

"I'll be right back," I tell them and run off for the bathroom.

I push the door open and rush into a stall. I lock the door and do what I need to do. I walk back out and back to where the three Beckham's are. Why aren't my clothes in Brooklyn's arms?

"Um, where are my clothes?"

"You're dresses are in here" he says and hands me a bag.

"You didn't have to buy them," I say.

"He didn't, I did."

I turn around and look at Victoria.

"You didn't have to buy my clothes."

"I know, but I wanted to."

I sigh but follow her out of the store. I place the sunglasses back over my eyes and follow Victoria down the sidewalk. Brooklyn puts his hand in mine and starts to swing our arms. I smile to myself as I do it as well.

Shopping in London has been fun. I love it.

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