Hanging Out With The Beckham's

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Shopping with Victoria Beckham was so awesome. Now, I'm walking them back to their car. After this, I don't know when I'll see them again. Oh look, their car is ten feet away now.

Victoria puts Harper in her car seat and buckles her up. She shuts the door to the car and looks at the two of us.

"Would you like to come back to our house and hang out with Brooklyn?"

I look at Brooklyn, searching for an answer, but he just smiles at me.

"Sure," I tell her.

Victoria steps into the car and shuts the door. Brooklyn and I walk to the other side of the car and Brooklyn opens the passenger door. Brooklyn steps back and gestures for me to get in. I smile at him and get in. He shuts the door and gets into the back. I buckle up and Victoria starts the drive to her house. Looks like I'm spending the day hanging out with the Beckham's.

Victoria turns on the radio and Black Magic by Little Mix comes on. It's a great song. Victoria changes it and Wanna Be by... Spice Girls comes on.

I smile and start to hum the lyrics.

"You know the lyrics, yeah?"

I nod my head at Victoria and she smiles before turning the volume up.

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends. Make it last forever, friendship never ends."

I laugh as Victoria sings the lyrics to her own song.

"Come on, Madison! Sing!"

I shake my head. I don't really sing in front of people.


Victoria Beckham is asking me to sing one of her songs. This is real life.

"If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give. Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is."

Victoria smiles as I sing.

The song ends and Brooklyn claps his hands. I smile and look out the window and at all the large houses passing by. Victoria turns and enters a driveway leading into a big house. Victoria parks the car and gets out. Brooklyn gets out of the car as Victoria opens the car door to get Harper out. As I reach for the door handle, the door opens and Brooklyn is in sight.

I get out of the car and the two of us walk to the front door. Victoria and Harper step in front of us and Victoria unlocks the door. She steps aside and Brooklyn and I walk in. The door shuts behind me and feet are heard coming down the stairs.

"Would you like a tour of the house?"

I nod my head and Brooklyn takes my hand for the thousandth time today. This boy and hand grabbing. I love it!

"This is the living room."


"This is the dining room."

Chandelier. Pretty.

"This is the hallway!"

Oh my gosh! He is so enthusiastic about the hallway... it's funny. He sees me smiling and smiles himself. He leads me further down the hallway.

"My brother, Romeo's, room."

The door has Romeo written across it.

"Cruz's room."

Cruz is the second to youngest.

"Harper's bedroom."

"My room."

Brooklyn Joseph Beckham is written in a small chalkboard that's attached to his bedroom door.

"This is my mum and dad's room."

He leads me back to the dining room and to another room.

"This is obviously the kitchen."

"This is the backyard," he says and opens the door.

It's so beautiful out here.


I turn around at the screams and see two younger boys. These are his brothers.

"I was only gone for a couple hours guys."

"Dad wasn't here and we didn't want to play football without someone else."

"Madison, this is Romeo and Cruz, and vice versa."

"Hello," I say to the two boys.

"Are you shy?"

"No," I tell Romeo.

"I'm Cruz David Beckham."

"I'm Romeo James Beckham."

Brooklyn turns and looks at me.

"Can you play football?"

I nod my head and he grabs a football from beside him.

"Quick match?"


I grab Romeo and Brooklyn grabs Cruz. Looks like we have our teams.

After two minutes, I have the ball and Brooklyn is running at me trying to get it from me. Why does the goal have to be behind him? I kick the ball and watch as it flies in the air and go down and hits... Brooklyn in the balls. I put my hand over my mouth as I watch him fall to the ground with his hands over his... area. I wonder if it hurts as bad as I think it does.

I slowly walk to him. I look down at him.

"You okay?"


I extend my hand out to him. He looks up at it and takes it. I help him stand up and take him back inside and into the kitchen. I open the freezer and grab a bag of frozen corn and toss it to him. He catches the bag and presses it against his... spot.

"You have one strong kick, Maddie."

I can tell.

I grab my phone out of my bra and unlock it. What? There's not a safer place. Actually, it's not that safe. My phone has fallen out a couple times before.

I go onto Instagram and, uh, go onto Brooklyn's profile. I'm not trying to be a stalker! I promise. At least he doesn't follow me...

My phone dings and I look at the text Mum just sent me.

Where are you Madison?

I'm hanging out with a new friend of mine

Be home by six

I go back to Instagram and look at a more recent picture. Why is he so cute? I clear my history of even being on Instagram and lock my phone. I sit down next to Brooklyn and just wait for him to say something.

"Are you hungry?"

"Not really," I say and it had to be at that moment that my stomach growled.

"Your stomach says differently," Brooklyn laughs and walks over to the fridge.

He grabs something from inside then grabs two bowls from a cabinet. He puts the food into them. He turns around and hands me one of the bowls. Grapes. Red grapes to be exact. I take a grape and put it in my mouth and bite down on it. The sourness of the grape makes my face scrunch up.

"Want to go play FIFA?"

I nod my head and he guides me down the hall and into his room. Grapes and FIFA are just what I need.

Hanging out with Brooklyn is going to be fun. I can just tell.

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