Hair Color

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"So, what do you want done?" My cousin, Suki, asks me as she plays with my hair.

"First, I want you to trim it, and then color it a, little bit of a, darker brown." I tell her and grab a handful of pretzel sticks and place them into my mouth.

She gets the hair color and then starts there. It takes a while until it's finally time to rinse my hair and then she trims it. She blow dries it and I take a picture of myself and send it to Liv and then my mom.

"What time are we going to the beach?" I ask Suki.

"Around noonish." She tells me and starts to braid it.

She finishes and we leave her hair salon and go back to her and Talaria's house to get into a swimming suit and whatever else we need on and things we need for the beach. We meet up outside and go to the beach.

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