True Feelings Are Made Up In The Shower

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Hm, oh, oh, oh! This is my jam!

Single Ladies bursts from my speakers and I jam out to it. I wave my arms around and do the Macarena and some other dance moves that should be illegal right now...

"Aye, Macarena!" I shout and right as I turn, I slide and fall down onto the ground of the shower.

"Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!" I scream, like one of those old ladies from the life alert commercials I've watched so many times already and know every single word to every one of them.

I get up, knowing my mum won't come in and doesn't hear my screams since she's out with Victoria today.

You might already know what I'm doing, but if you don't know already, I'm in the shower.

Now that I'm in here, I could always think about things.

Let's start out with my family. I love my family to pieces even though there are the ones that you wish you didn't know but I wouldn't change anything. I'm thankful for my family and I thank God for them everyday. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for Liv and my mum and dad and step-mum. Oh, and every other family member of mine.

Now with my friends. I've learned who my true friends are and who were the ones who just wanted to use me. Example; Meadow is a true friend and Sofia only wanted me when she wanted something. I only want people who are true to me and true to themselves. I wouldn't care if they're lesbian or gay or not, they just have to be true.

Now Brooklyn. Brooklyn is... I have no words. I have no words because I can't describe the feelings he gives me and everything about him that I love. I love every single thing about him and will always forgive him for his mistakes no matter how bad they were/are. I dint get butterflies when I'm around him... I get the whole zoo when I'm around him. When he outs his arm around me or holds me or even kisses me, I melt with his touch and that same zoo lights up. I don't care if he's rich and famous or even if his parents are very famous. All I care about is the real him and his real family and not people who are famous. I'd never pretend to be his friend just to get things from his just because he's rich. Never.

Well, it's like I always say, sometimes but mostly in the shower, true feelings are made up in the shower...

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