Sleep Deprived

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"You brackenhoff!" I yell, the mysterious word I came up with, at Cal once he slaps Rose.

"He's one slut." Liv announces and I agree with her.

"I would've spit at him sooner." I say and we watch some more.

"Don't let go you stupid woman!" Liv and I yell at Rose.

"There was enough room on the door for the both of you!" I whisper once getting notified that we are being extremely loud.

The movie, Titanic if you didn't already know, ends and we are left in tears. Like, why the fudge would you let go of him after saying you'll never let go?

"You know what we should do now?" Liv smiles sleepily at me.

"What?" I smile back with just as much effort.

"Play Just Dance 2k14." She says and my eyes widen and my eyebrows wiggle.

I nod my head and she races out of the room before coming back in with the Wii and toe controllers.

We choose Best Song Ever and fan girl once the song starts.

After ten songs, we stop and just stand there before collapsing onto the bed. I snuggle closer to her as sleep takes the both of us away.

Being sleep deprived is kinda fun... never do it.

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