Crushing On A Beckham

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We walk inside the house and walk to the kitchen where David (Beckham) is eating spaghetti.

"Where'd you get spaghetti from?" Victoria asks her hubby.

"That Italian restaurant down the street," he tells her and eats another piece of the pasta, before kissing Victoria on the lips.

"Honey," Victoria says, before playfully pushing his chest away from her.

He smiles at me and then wraps one arm around me and pulls me in for a hug.

He lets go of me after a second and loud footsteps are heard running down the stairs.


Cruz runs into the room and searches for something in the fridge.

"What're we having for dinner?" Cruz asks as he grabs the box of blueberries and then a bag of potato chips.

"Pork chops, green beans, and mashed potatoes."

Romeo is second to come into the kitchen, and he grabs a bag of chips as well.

"Hi, Maddie." Romeo side hugs me and then runs off somewhere.

Cruz hugs me next and, being a complete flirt, kisses me on the cheek. He then runs off like his older brother did a minute ago.

"Mummy, when will Brooklyn be home?" Harper asks her mother.

Where is Mr. Brooklyn Beckham?

"He'll be back in about thirty minutes," Victoria tells her youngest.

"Will he bring that one girl back with him?" Harper asks.

What girl? Brooklyn has a girlfriend?

"Sonia? No honey, she's not coming back," she notices my face. "She's just a friend, Harper."

So the famous French actress, Sonia Ben Ammar.

Harper then looks at me.

"Maddie, do you want to play upstairs with me?"

Well, I can't say no to that little face of hers.

"Sure," I say.

She grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs and into her room.

I sit down on the small chair, as instructed to do so by Miss Harper Beckham.

She sits down in the chair in front of me, grabs the small tea kettle and pours, not imaginary but, actual tea into both of our tea cups. She then places a chocolate brownie on her plate and then a chocolate chip muffin on mine.

"Thank you," I say and she just smiles at me politely.

I place the pink napkin on my lap as Harper does the same. I grab the muffin and eat it all in three bites.

"Whoa, that was amazing!" Harper claps her hands together.

I laugh at her silliness and take sip of the warm tea. My eyebrows scrunch together. Ew. This tea needs some sugar. After adding a small amount of sugar, I take a sip and am pleased with its taste.

I hear a door from downstairs slam shut and instantly think Brooklyn is back.

"Do you want to play dress up?"

"Of course," I tell Harper and watch as she gets even more happy.

She stands up and runs to her closet and grabs a few things from her closet before running back to me. She smiles at me before running off and into the hallway. She comes back in a few minutes later with dresses, that are able to fit me, in her hands.

"Are you ready?" Harper asks me while wiggling her eyebrows.

I laugh but nod my head as a yes.

She runs into her closet to get changed as I'm imagining.

"Maddie," I hear a faint call from Harper.


"Can you help me, please?"

Such good manners from a very young lady.

I jog over to her closet and see the her head stuck in her Elsa (princess) dress.

"Oh, Harper."

I grab the top of the dress (where the neck is supposed to go through) and pull it. Harper's head goes through and her smile is larger.

"Peek-a-boo," I say and watch as she laughs at that.


I look over to where the voice is heard, but see no one.

"In here!" Harper yells to him.

He walks into the closet and wraps one arm around me.

A second later, Miss Sonia herself walks into the closet.

I guess Harper felt how sad I was.

"Maddie, do you want to go get some ice cream?" Harper asks me.

I nod my head and run with Harper downstairs before I start to cry.

It's always sad when your crush possibly likes another girl.

Crushing on a Beckham sucks...

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