Sofia's Crush

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It's been four days since I went to Brooklyn's house... with Sofia.

Basically when we entered the house, Brooklyn said hi to me and then left me and went to enjoy the time with Sofia. I was heartbroken, but stayed with Victoria, Romeo, Cruz, Harper, and David for me time being. Victoria, David, and Harper were very mad at Brooklyn for what he did to me, but I told them to not worry about it.

Now, I'm talking to Sofia over the phone and she tells me something I don't want to hear.

"You like Brooklyn?" I ask her.

"Yeah, is that okay?"

I nod my head, not wanting to tell her I like him.

"And guess what?"

"What?" I ask hoping that it isn't what I imagine it is.

"He asked if I wanted to go see a movie with him!" she exclaims.

And there it is.

"I'm so happy for you!" I smile a big fat fake smile.

"I have to go. I'll talk to you later," I say and say goodbye.

I lay my head down and wait for the night to come, and when it finally does, I can't fall asleep.

"Are you, are you, coming to the tree?" I whisper the Mocking Jay song that Katniss sings in Mocking Jay Part One.

I sit up and walk over to my window seat. I lay down and stare out the window.

"We're all in this together. Once you know what you are, we're all stars, and you see it."

High School Musical is my jam.

"We're breaking free. We're soarin', flyin', there's not a star in Heaven that we can't reach, 'cause if we're trying, yeah we're breaking free."

I reach down and pick up the small baby German Shepherd, also known as Riley, and set her on my lap. She licks my hand and then stops , sensing my feelings. She then snuggles up to me and falls asleep quickly.

"You'll never treat yourself right but darling' I want you to."

I fall asleep to those words with my head against the window and Riley cuddled up against me.

I'm sad about Sofia's crush...
"Maddie, I have to tell you something!" Sofia says excitedly.

"What?" I ask her.

"Brooklyn asked me out!" She yells and then slaps her hand over her mouth.

And there goes my heart, again, sinking to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

"I'm so happy for you," I 'smile' at her like what I did the other day.

"He also asked me to come over to his house tonight," she tells me.

"That's great, Sofia."

I should be happy for her.

My phone starts to ring as she starts to say something.

"I have to go, we'll talk later." I say and go to the other phone call.

I was literally saved by the 'bell'.

"Hi, Victoria." I smile a very happy smile.

"Hey! Would you like to come over today?" She asks me.

"Sure, do you want my mum to drop me off or do you want to pick me up?"

"I'll pick you up," she tells me.

We take for a few more minutes before saying our 'I love you's' and hang up.

After taking a shower and putting on some pyjamas, a knock on the front door is heard. I run to the door, calling a 'see you later, I love you' to my mum.

I open the door and grin at Victoria as she grins back.

"Ready?" She asks and I nod.

I shut the door and walk with her to her car, get in, buckle up, and we're on our way to her house. We get to her house quickly and go inside.

"Mummy, can yo- MADDIE!" Harper screams and hugs me.

I pick her up so she's not holding my leg and she hugs me tighter.

"What did you need?" Victoria asks her daughter.

"If you wanted to watch a movie with me?"

"Sure, Maddie, would you like to join?" Victoria asks me.

"Oh, no, I'll just go see what Romeo's up to." I tell her and make my way around the house and to his bedroom.

I knock on the door and he opens it.

"Hello, Maddie!" He hugs me.

"Is it okay if I hang out with you?" I ask Romeo.

"Yeah, I'm just playing FIFA if you want to join."

I nod my head and join him.

I hear laughter coming from the room closest to Romeo's and I instantly know that laugh.

Sofia's laugh.

My heart sinks some more and Romeo notices and hugs me.

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