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Lately I've found myself thinking, been dreaming about you a lot, and up in my head I'm your girlfriend, but that's one thing you've already got.

"Why haven't you been hanging out with Liv?" I look at my mum before looking back at the food on my plate.

"She's been busy, but she said she'd be over sometime this week." I tell her and eat the mashed potatoes and carrots before emptying my plate and washing it off.

I lay down on my bed, looking through my Instagram feed and occasionally unfollowing people, before I ask Liv to come over. Days like these I need my best friend and partner in crime.

"What's up?" Liv asks once entering my room and jumping on the bed.

"One, I'm bored and two, I wanted to talk to you about something before I ask my mum." She nods and I go on. "I don't know, I'm just bored and missed you."

She laughs and hugs me. "Missed you, too."

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