Kissing A Beckham

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You've all waited a very long, like eight months, for this to happen and it's finally here! I had feels while reading this... Read on children, and dad.

"Brooklyn, why are you taking me to someone's house?" I ask as Brooklyn keeps driving to this randoms house.

"You love who the people are, Mads, promise." He smiles and after five more minutes, we stop in front of a house.

He comes around and opens the door for me and the both of us walk up to the house. Brooklyn steps in front of me and knocks on the door five times until someone opens the door and I almost faint.

Why in the world is Harry Styles standing in front of me? Why am I meeting One Direction so suddenly? I wasn't prepared for this kind of stuff. At all.

"You must be Madison!" I almost faint as my name slips out of his mouth.

This isn't cool, Brooklyn, I'm going to die before I turn eighteen.

"I'm Madison."

"Don't just stand there, love, come inside." He smiles and opens the door.

We walk in and I take in every single detail so I can tell Liv.

We walk into the living room and I sit down on the floor as I instantly spot Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne sitting on a couch. Yeah, I sat on the floor, I'm weird. I mean, I met Brooklyn when I was feeling a wall because it was cold, if that doesn't say anything then I don't know what does.

"You can sit down on a couch, love." Harry says.

I just freeze and sit still as everything seems to go still, like me. I leap up as two hands attach to my waist.

"Calm down, I'm just picking you up." Brooklyn's voice rings through my ears.

Hopefully this isn't going to turn into most of the fanfictions I have read... don't ask...

"There we go," Brooklyn says as he places me onto the couch, and sits down next to me as well as Harry on my left.

Breath, woman. You can do this.

"Thank you for today, Brooks."

"No problem, Mads." He says once we get into the car.

"I really had fun, even though I barely talked." I say as I stare out the window at the scenery passing by.

I feel eyes on my and when I turn Brooklyn keeps his eyes trained on me.

Just so you know, we are at a stop sign.

"What are you looking at?" I ask.

"A very cute and beautiful girl."

I turn away as I smile.

"I'm not beautiful." I mumble knowing he heard me.

"Mads, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on! No one makes my heart race like you do."

"Why me and not some model?" I mumble and I know he still heard that comment.

"Because, Mads, models are the same and I don't want them, I want you! You're unique, funny, gorgeous, and isn't afraid to eat like a man! I'd rather have you over models, over a million dollars, over everything! All I want is you."

I can't help the smile that's forms on my face but who wouldn't?

"I love you so much." Is the last thing that he says before grabbing my face and slowly smashing his lips on mine.

My eyes close immediately and I kiss him back just as much.

Not many girls have experienced kissing him and let me tell you, kissing a Beckham is like eating Oreos for the first time and falling in love with them. You can't get enough.

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