Swimming In The Ocean

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"How's Brooklyn?" My mum asks me as we get ready for a family day at the beach.

"Good, we talked last night." I tell her and put the towels in the bag then into the trunk of the car.

"How're the others?" She asks about the other members of his family.

"Good." I tell her and she gets into the car, joining Liv in the front and I get in shortly with em being the only one in the back of the car.

"Can you believe we are swimming in the ocean?" Liv spreads her arms out wide.

"Can you believe we're home?" I ask her, doing the same movement with my arms.

"And we have the beach to ourselves." Liv laughs, which makes me laugh, before we both leap into the water from our surfboards.

We both resurface then climb back into the boards of ours. I wipe my face and stare ahead at the water.

"So, are you happy to be turning seventeen soon?" Liv asks me.

"I don't know, are you happy to be nineteen?" I ask her and she nods.

"I'm happy that I'm going to be seventeen tomorrow." I answer her question.

"And I'm happy I'm the one to be with you on this special day."

"Trust me, all we are doing tomorrow is staying in bed, watching movies, sleeping, and reading fanfiction while laying next to each other." I tell her.

"That's sounds like Neverland to me."

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