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364,283 likesmads_barker I miss you, but I have a feeling you don't miss me

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mads_barker I miss you, but I have a feeling you don't miss me. [picture from a longggg time ago]
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lively_liv why do I always comment on your pictures? Idk. Miss you. xox

12,294 likeslively_liv missing my partner in crime :(    @mads_barker ♡View all 854 commentsmads_barker missing you too

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lively_liv missing my partner in crime :( @mads_barker
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mads_barker missing you too. love you.
hayesgrier you're too pretty Liv.

All I want to know is why my feelings are always so complicated. Why are boys so complicated, too?

I guess I'll find out.

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