First Flight Home

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"Okay, I'm sure going to miss you guys." I tell the family in front of me.

"We're going to miss you, too." David hugs me then passes me on to everyone else once he's done.

"Remember to visit, Liberty." I say.

"I promise, Madison." She says and hugs me before sending me over to the one who's taking me to the airport; Brooklyn.

"You ready?" He asks and I nod my head.

We get into the car and he drives to the airport. They call for my flight and I get ready to go.

"Okay, have a good flight back home, I love you." He hugs me and then kisses me fully on the lips and I kiss him back, then remember the cameras flashing us.

I cover my eyes and then uncover them to look at Brooklyn.

"I love you, too." I grin and kiss him again and then wave before leaving for the first flight home to London.

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