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Three more chapters :'(
I swing my hand with Liv's as we walk down the streets of London with Brooklyn and Meadow. Brooklyn and I didn't want to just go and hold hands and kiss in public just a day after he and Chloë broke up, so we're keeping me it a secret from the public for a while.

"I can't walk anymore." I say and wipe some sweat off of my face.

"Get on my ba-" Brooklyn's cut off by Liv.

"No, she's getting on my back." Liv tells him and puts me on her back.

"Why?" Brooklyn questions Liv.

"Because she loves me." Liv replies and he rolls his eyes at her comment.

"She loves me, too." He says and Liv rolls her eyes this time.

"Duh, it'd be incest if she loved me the way she loves you." Meadow cringes from beside Liv and I.

"Can we not talk about incest?" Meadow asks and I laugh.

"Please?" I ask and Liv nods.

We then talk about happiness.

"What makes you happy, Mads?" Liv asks me.

"You three." I reply and Liv dances, which makes me fly around on her back.

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