A Cold November

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I was hanging out with Sofia, and her friends, today and we were hanging out at Sofia's house.

"Maddie, what's up with you and Andreas?" One of the guys asks and I shrug my shoulders, and it then gets worse.

"Hey, Sam, do you know what the difference of a fly and Maddie is?"

Sam shakes his head.

"One stops sucking after you hit it," Sam then starts laughing.

I hold back the tears as I hear them, basically calling me a slut.

Conceal don't feel, don't let them know, but now they know. Let it go...

Tears start to develop in my eyes but I blink them back.

I was nothing but nice to them. Why would they say such a thing? They know nothing about me!

I look over at Sofia, who is laughing with one of her friends, as the tears come back. I then look over to the person who had gasped. Meadow.

She seen my teary eyes and mouths, "are you okay?" and I nod my head. She mouths back, "are you going to cry?" and I shake my head for a moment then nod at the question.

I don't car what people say about me or what they think about me, but it's one thing to say something behind someone's back and saying it to their face and keep saying it five more times.

And that's sexual harassment. I grab my phone from my coat pocket and walk away from the group.

The tears fall from my face as I then start running, and I run out of the house and down the street, and run into someone.

"Hey, Maddie- why are you crying, love?" Brooklyn asks me as he holds me by the arms.

"I-I... someone just clue me a slut." I cry and he holds me, like that for ten minutes.

"Who? Who called you a slut?" He finally asks.

"Sam and Derik," I cry into his chest.

"Are they at Sofia's?" He asks me and I nod my head.

"What did Sofia say about it?" He asks me.

"She didn't hear if but Meadow did."

"What did she do?"

I shrug my shoulders and say, "I ran out."

He takes a breath and then walks away from me and towards his girlfriend's house.

Where is he goin- no. He better not. I mean, that's what a great boyfriend would do for their girlfriend and what a great family member would do for their family, but please, Broolyn, don't be doing it. He doesn't come back out but Meadow does and runs over to me.

"Come on, Maddie, let's go to Starbucks for a while."

I follow her down the street and into Starbucks. We sit down at a table and I stare out the window.

"I'm sorry for what those boys said."

"You don't have to be sorry, Meadow, you didn't do anything wrong." I tell her.

"I called them out, after you left and all." She tells me.

"You did?" She nods her head.

"Thank you," I manage to say before my face has tears running down it.

"Maddie? Meadow?" I hear Brooklyn's voice from behind me.

I turn around and look at him as he looks at me as well and he walks over and sits down next to me.

"Im sorry," he mumbles as he holds me in his arms.

"It's okay."

"No, it's not. Boys don't do anything but hurt girl's feelings just to make someone laugh."

It was true.

And right now, it's just a cold November for me.

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