Marvin Gaye

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Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on.

"Well, you heard what he said." Jack winks and I roll my eyes but wink back at him.

"Right back at you."

"Okay." He says and kisses my cheek for ten seconds.

"Jack, man, Madison - not you Maddie - will be waiting for us at the airport when the plane lands in these many minutes left."

"Okay, but Maddie and I are going to Marvin Gaye and get it on." Jack Blonde Johnson says and Jack Hot Gilinsky rolls his eyes.

"I'd love to see that." He says and blondie stares at him.

"Oh, it will." He says and the plane lands and the three of us get our carryons and then get off the plane and go to baggage claim and get our bags before walking around the airport to find Madison Beer.

Jack Mofo Gilinksy finds his girlfriend and runs over to her before spinning her around in his arms. The fans, who were here for the two Jacks, awe at them before turning their attention back to Johnson and I.

"So, wanna Marvin Gaye and get it on?" Jack asks and I grin.

"Why not?" I ask and he drops his bags on the floor and grabs my cheeks with his hands and smashes his lips to mine.

Gasps are heard but one of the many things that I can hear is my heart beating and the screaming inside my head. We both pull away and smile at each other. I spot my cousin behind him, with wide eyes, and I smile even more.

"Looks like my ride is here." I tell him and walk for the girl.

"Wait, how will I talk to you?"

"Do some research." I wink at him before grabbing my cousin by the arm and running with her to her car.

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