Real Madrid

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Bringing it back to summer 2k15 guys *cries*

"This is where you and Brooklyn met?" Liv asks and I confirm by nodding my head as I show her the exact wall I was touching the day we met.

"It is actually cold." She says and I join in and place my hand on the wall and then my whole body.

"When does the game start?" I ask Liv.

She replies saying that it starts in an hour and then stalks off while I stay with my wall. I step back then place my hand on the wall like I had done the day I met Brooklyn. I smile as I think back on that day.

"Are you okay?" The voice behind me asks and I can't help but smile.

I turn around and smile sheepishly at the boy in front of me like I had done that day.

"Why would you ask that?" I ask him.

"Well, you were just touching the wall."

"The wall's cold and it's very warm out right now." I say to the teenager.

He walks closer to me then touches the wall himself, smiling at me as he does so.

"You're right, it is cold." He says and smiles right at me.

"I'm Brooklyn."

"Madison." I bite my tongue.

"It's nice to meet you, Madison."

"Same for you, Brooklyn."

And that moment had me remember the day that started it all. A day that if remember for the rest of my life. A memory where everyone would laugh.

I'm starting to think my mom took me to this game just so I can make friends and a boyfriend. Well, mom, you must be crazy because it's not happening. I will not meet anyone here. If I meet Cristiano Ronaldo, I will certainly love this day, but I won't. I barely even watch football on the telly with my dad.

Even though Real Madrid has some very good players on their team, I'd rather watch Manchester United play. I wonder if David Beckham is here? Oh gosh. What if he's here... in this stadium? What if he's in this section?! What if my mum knows Victoria? Why wouldn't she tell me? That's only if she does know her...

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back soon."

My Mum nods her head. Well then. I walk through all of these people, ducking and getting cursed at. I finally make it to the stairs and walk up on them. I reach the top and walk towards the signs that have a stick woman and man on them. I'm guessing it's where the restrooms are. Oh my gosh! They look so close but are so far!

I start to run towards them and finally get there after ten seconds. This might be a new record for me. I walk into the woman's restroom and head straight for a stall. I pull my shorts down, and all that stuff, and do my number one. I do what girls do once they're done and put my shorts and underwear back on.

"Harper Seven, what do you think you're doing?"

I wonder what that mum's going through.

I wash my hands and get a paper towel. A lady walks out of a stall with a little girl. I walk out of the restroom and run into someone.

"Sorry," I say and walk away from the person.

Maybe that was Cristiano Ronaldo! No, it wasn't, but what if it was? I'd be dead.

I bet my mum knows Victoria Beckham, but knows me well enough to not tell me because I will freak out. That's my mum.

I walk back down the stairs, almost falling a couple of times. I find my mum and walk towards her. I get back to my seat and watch as everyone cheers for Ronaldo.


We all know who my mum's cheering for... Cristiano Ronaldo of course. I mean, who else would she be cheering for?

Woah, my mum is getting into this game.

"Madison, can you go get me something to eat?"

"Sure, Mum."

I walk up the stairs for the second time in ten minutes and straight for the concession stand. What would my mum like to eat?

"What would you like?"

"A hamburger with just mustard."


"Madison Barker."

"I'll call your name when it's done" the boy says.

I nod my head and walk off. Maybe if I search hard enough, I'll find Taylor Swift here. Look at that wall! You know, people are probably thinking I'm weird since I'm the only person that's touching the wall...

Well, I'm a unique person. Weird is better than normal. Normal is boring.

"Are you okay?"

I turn around and smile sheepishly at the boy in front of me.

"Why would you ask that?"

"Well, you were just touching the wall."

"The wall's cold and it's very warm out right now," I say.

He walks closer to me then touches the wall himself.

I have to say, for Spain, it's really warm today.

"You're right, it is cold."

I really want to say I told you so, but I better not.

"I'm Brooklyn."


"It's nice to meet you, Madison."

"Same for you, Brooklyn."

You know, for a boy that kind of has a girls name, Brooklyn fits perfectly for him.


"I have to go. It was great meeting you, Madison."

"Bye, Brooklyn."

I watch as he walks away and gives me one last glance as he disappears into the crowd of people.

It's as if Brooklyn was thinking the same thing as me because in an instant we are both laughing with each other and are moving more towards each other. I wrap my arms around his neck and make funny faces at him which only causes him to laugh even harder. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. He places his lip softly on mine and they move in sync with mine as I cut everything in the world off and just listen to my heartbeat and the noise that the kissing makes. We pull apart and smile at one another.

"I always knew you two would be together." I turn around and see Victoria and David standing there with smiles across their faces.

"We're always right." Victoria agrees with her husband before they walk off.

"They're right, you know." Brooklyn says.

"How so?" I question.

"We're like Selena and Justin, we are meant for each other but things just happened to get in the way first."

"Did you just compare us to Jelena?" I ask him and he nods his head.

"Don't, we don't need to be compared to anyone but us." I kiss him once more before we get the hotdog with mustard and walk to our seats.

I just got tears in my eyes and it doesn't help that As Long As You Love Me is playing for the third time right now.

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