Madison's Birthday

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"How long have we been up?" I ask the cousin of mine.

"We've been awake since eight yesterday morning and it's now two am." Liv tells me then yawns.

"We should go to sleep in about three hours." I say and we just read fanfiction.

"What are you reading?" Liv asks me.

"Some Brooklyn fanfiction," I tell the girl. "what about you?"

"A Niall fanfic."

"Nice." I say and she replies with a yeah.

I wake up to Liv shoving me off the bed. I stand up and stare at her.

"I am a woman, too, ya know." I tell her sleeping body before stalking off.

I check the time, which seems to be noon, and come in contact with my brother. I quickly dart to the bathroom and shut the door quietly.

"Are you ready for a day of nothing?" I ask my cousin next to me.

"Always, babe."

And that's how Madison's birthday was for me. Yeah, I'm talking in third person.

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