Los Angeles Life

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"How long are we staying here?" I ask Victoria as we leave the airport.

"We are here for at least a week and then we go to New York and then back home to London."

I put my headphones over my ears and blast Shawn Mendes as I hold onto Victoria's hand and walk into the crowd of paparazzi. After, what it feels like, an eternity, we get into the car and are on our way to their house in Beverly Hills.

"Maddie, could you help me prepare dinner?" I smile, nod my head, and follow David's instructions on how to prepare our dinner for tonight.

Why are you in Los Angeles with the Beckham's? Well, they practically begged me to join them on the "vacation" to LA and NYC, so I just had to join them. This is also my first time outside of Europe.

"Can you go tell everyone dinner's ready?" I nod my head and make my way around the house and somewhat find myself lost.

"Boo," I scream and turn around to a laughing Brooklyn.

"Dinner's ready," I say and walk away from him.

"Oi, come on, Maddie." I try to suppress the smile, trying to find its way to my mouth, and go find Romeo and Cruz.

I tell them dinner is ready and they say they'll go and find Harper. I find Victoria in her and David's master bedroom and sit down beside her.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Just a little jet lagged, that's all."

I nod and tell her dinner is ready as the both of us walk into the kitchen and say grace. We put food onto our plates, pick up our silverware, and eat.

"Thank you for helping me pick up," Victoria thanks Brooklyn and I.

"You're welcome" and "You're welcome, Mum" are said by the two of us.

I scrub the plates and hand them to Victoria as Brooklyn cleans up the table.

"Is this how it is all over LA?" I ask Brooklyn as we stare out at the busy highways.

"Yeah, it is." He says as he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"I like it here," I mumble as I lay my head on his chest.

"I don't know, I like it much better back home in London."

"That will always be home."

We sit there for a while, just looking at the scene in front of us.

"I want you to meet someone important to me," Brooklyn finally says.

I motion for him to go on, but he just takes my hand and pulls me back inside. I wonder what he's about to show me, but I have one thing on my mind right now.

Los Angeles life is great but I want my life to be with....

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