Hella Cute

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One more chapter lovelies. :(
"So, are you okay?' I nod my head at the question given to me and he wraps his arms around me.

"You're cute, you know that?" He nuzzles his head into my neck.

"Yeah, I know, but you're hella cute, too." I kiss his cheek.

"Okay, I want you to go out on a date with me." He announces and I look at him. "Tonight."

"Ready to make things public?" I ask him and he nods his head.

"You're my girlfriend and if girls are going to be jealous of that, they can just be jealous. I love you and I'll forever love you. You're the only girl, apart from my mom and every girl in my family, that I'll ever love."

I smile and motion for him to place his head back on my neck, but instead he kisses me neck and then my nose and finally my lips before placing his head on my neck.

The grin on my face doesn't fade one bit as we lay on my bed for quite some time. It takes some time but I fall asleep like that.

I awaken to a kiss on my lips and I smile up at Brooklyn. He goes back down for another one and I meet him halfway, placing my lips on his. The both of us smile during the kiss and he falls softly on top of me.

He kisses my lips before kissing my neck and then my nose. I roll my eyes I grab his face and bring his lips back to mine.

"I have to get ready if you want to take me out tonight." I tell Brooklyn and get up to go to my closet.

"Pick something fancy." He says before leaving the room and going downstairs.

I pick out a very nice dress before doing my hair and makeup. I make my way downstairs and see Brooklyn laughing with my mum and Jake. I walk farther into the kitchen and my mum gasps when she sees me. Brooklyn and Jake turn around and Brooklyn makes a noise when he sees me.

"You look so beautiful, Mads." Brooklyn whispers into my ear and I smile up at him.

"Have an amazing time on your date." My mum kisses me on the forehead before Brooklyn and I leave my house and to wherever he's taking me.

"You took me to a fashion show?" I ask my boyfriend, feeling underdressed.

"Yeah, and you're apart of it." I gape at the words that come from his mouth.

I'm the final girl to come out and then the fashion show is basically over. After the show, I'm asked questions about the show.

"How did you feel when you walked down the cat walk in front of those people?" I'm asked and I think of an answer.

"I felt somewhat alive." I tell her and smile as I walk away.

"Over here, over here!" Shouts come from in front of me and I choose one of them to go to and Brooklyn follows beside me.

She introduces herself and tells me where she works and then asks questions. We get through and Brooklyn then takes me somewhere else.

"We're going somewhere else?" I ask him and he nods his head.

He stops and I look out the window.

"McDonalds?" I ask and he nods, smiling like a mad man.

"This is why I love you." I say and get out of the car with him and enter the fast food restaurant.

We order what we want and he pays. Brooklyn takes my hand and twirls me around. We dance around McDonalds before we get our food and sit down at a booth.

I take the Big Mac and take a huge bite out of it right as Brooklyn takes a picture.

"How hot do I look in the picture, though?" I ask and he leans forward.

"Smoking." He says and kisses me on the lips.

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