Hanging Out With Sofia

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"Mum, I'm going to hang out with Sofia today and I'll be back around five for dinner."

"Alright, have a good time."

"Okay, I love you." I call to her and she yells back an 'I love you, too'.

I get into Sofia mum's car and sit next to Sofia who is in the back seat as her mum heads off and to the shopping mall where we'll be spending the day.

"Where to first?" Sofia asks as we enter the shopping mall.

"H and M?"

"Yes," she says and drags me to the store.

After three hours of shopping, we decide to take a break and get something to eat, and that happened to be Chipotle. Once we get done eating our food, we continue our shopping.

Sofia, unlike me, is a red headed Irish teenager. She is fifteen years of age and has blue eyes. Sofia, also unlike me, has guys chasing after her all of the time. Just like right now.

"Hello," a familiar voice says.

I turn around and see Brooklyn there smiling at me and then his eyes dart to Sofia. I sense myself getting jealous, but I soon dismiss it, because I'm beautiful and amazing in my own way and I shouldn't make myself down.

"Hello, I'm Sofia." Sofia introduces herself to Brooklyn even though she knows who she is.

"Brooklyn," he smiles at her.

I walk away from the two, as they talk, making me feel somewhat uncomfortable. I wish she knew how much I like him, but she doesn't and I'm sure not going to say it in front of Brooklyn.

I sit down on a bench outside of the store and look ahead of me and at all of the people passing by. I turn and look at the boy who's now sitting beside me and smiling at me.

"Hello, I'm Isaac."

Isaac. Cute. American.

"I'm Madison," I smile at him.

"What's a lovely girl, like you, sitting out here alone?"

Okay, Isaac, you're a great flirt, but I'm not one to like being flirted with.

"I don't know actually," I admit to him.

"Well, would you like to catch some lunch with me and my brother?" He asks me.

I look over to the older boy he's pointing at. I hesitate for a moment then agree.

I walk with him over to his older brother, whose name is Keanan, and girlfriend, whose name is Chloe.

"Keanan, Chloe, this is Madison." Isaac introduces me.

"Hi, Madison." They smile at me.

"Hi," I smile back.

Keanan wraps his arm around Chloe and looks at his younger brother.

"Where do we want to go to eat?" He then looks down at his girlfriend and kisses her on her forehead.

"I saw a Taco Bell a couple streets down, wanna go there?"

"Sure, is that okay with you two?" Keanan asks Chloe and I.

The both of us nod our heads and walk down to the restaurant.

Isaac opens up the door for us and we thank him. The four of us sit down at a table and Keanan takes our orders.

"I'll have two locos tacos nacho cheese, please," I tell him and Chloe gets what I'm getting.

"Three tacos, please." Isaac tells his brother.

Keanan walks away and gives our orders to the lady.

"So, what are three Americans, like you guys, doing roaming around Central London?" I ask.

"We wanted to explore England and, if it feels right, maybe move here." Chloe says.

After talking and eating at Taco Bell, I say my farewells and go back home, while Sofia is texting me every twenty minutes asking where I am and other things. She's a great friend.

I open the door to my house and my mum instantly runs and hugs me. Someone missed me.

"I missed you so much!"


"I missed you, too, mum."

"By the way, Brooklyn called and asked if I knew where you ran off to today."

"I met a new friend and hung out with him, his brother, and his brother's girlfriend." I tell her.

"Well, you should probably call him back and tell him you're okay."

I nod my head and stalk off to my room.

I grab my phone and call him and he instantly picks up.

"Maddie? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Brooklyn."

"What happened to you?"

'I didn't want to see you and Sofia flirt with each other, so I left.' I wanted to say ever so badly, but instead I shut my mouth.

"I went and ate lunch with a couple friends," I tell him.

"Oh, well, I was just worried." Brooklyn says.

I smile to myself.

"Would you like to come over tomorrow?" He asks me and my heart flutters.

"Sure," I tell him.

"And, uh, could you bring your friend, Sofia, along?" And there my heart goes, sinking down to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean just like what Titanic did.

"Sure," I whisper and then hang up, not wanting to say goodbye, because if I do, I'm for certain my voice will break.

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