Liv And Maddie Day - Part One

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Today, out of all days, Liv is having a Liv and Maddie Day. From six this morning, Liv 'broke' into my house and forced me to watch the first season of Liv and Maddie with her, and this day will probably end at midnight tonight.

It is currently two in the afternoon and Liv and I are walking down the sidewalk and are now walking into Nandos.

I haven't been in here for a long time.

Liv's friend, Chelsea, seats us and then takes our orders.

"Two waters and two large peri peri chickens, please."

"Okay, it'll be out in a while, girls." Chelsea tells us and leaves.

"Mads, oh my gosh." Liv whispers.


"I want to scream so badly, but I'll probably look like a loon."

"Why?" I ask her.

"Because Niall Horan is standing right behind you, Mads." She whispers.

I slowly turn my body and look at the tall Irish man standing ten feet away from me.

"Are you sure it's Niall?" I ask her.

I don't have the best eye sight, since I obviously wear glasses.

"I am as positive as the plus sign on a pregnancy test."

His head moves and turns to us and stares right back at us. I quickly turn around and slump in the seat as Liv does the same.

"What's he doing?"

"Shoot, he's chuckling and is now walking over to us. Get under!" She whispers to me.

I move quickly and dash underneath the table and hide there. Two large feet walk right by and another pair of feet as well.

"Goodness," Liv whispers.

"What is it?"

"Too many hot guys," she whispers.

I slowly get back into my seat, bumping my head on my way up. Ew! There could be gum in my hair now!

I stare at Liv and then to the thing Liv is staring at, which is a very cute boy and three more cute boys. They are also called, Niall Horan, Andreas Pereira, Brooklyn Beckham, and Liam Payne.

No, this cannot be a fanfiction. I will not live like this.

"Hey, Mads." Andreas smiles at me.

"Hi," I whisper.

"Maddie," Brooklyn nods and I smile at him.

Oh! Is he still jealous? I mean, there isn't anything to be jealous about.

"So, you two know this young lady?" Niall asks the two boys.

"Yeah," they tell him. "But I don't think we've met you before."

"I'm Liv," she smiles at them and I give her the don't even think about trying anything look.

"She's my cousin," I tell him.

I seriously don't know how Liv and I are not freaking out. There are two boys, who we read fanfiction about, standing in front of us and we are not screaming.

"Nice to meet you girls," Liam smiles and the four of them walk away and to a booth which is next to us.

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