Sleepover At The Beckham's

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"Mummy, can Maddie and I eat some ice cream?"

"Harper, I don't want the ice cream to ruin your dinner," Victoria says.

"But Mummy, Maddie is sad."

Oh no.

"What? Why are you sad?"

My awkwardly move my feet.

"I don't want to say," I mumble, loud enough for Harper and Victoria to hear.

"Is it because you-know-who is here?"

I avoid eye contact but nod my head.

"Oh sweetheart, it's okay!"

Victoria wraps her arms around me and then let's go.

"Let's get you some ice cream, huh?"

She walks over to the fridge and gets out two tubs of ice cream and hands me a mint chocolate chip cookie one and a chocolate one for her and Harper.

She walks with us into the living room and onto the couch.

I sit down cross-cross-applesauce beside her, grab a spoon, and take the top off from the tub of ice cream.

Victoria turns the telly on and does something as I watch her do it.

She presses down on the remote and a rerun of FRIENDS starts playing.

"Harper, don't tell your dad we're watching this." Victoria says.

I put the spoon full of ice cream in my mouth and swallow. Ah, the taste of deliciousness.

I scoop some more up and put it in my mouth again.

"Mum, I'm taking Sonia home." Brooklyn says as he walks into the living room.

I choke back a sob and put some more of this desert in my mouth.

"Yeah yeah," Victoria says and waves her hand at them, trying desperately to make them leave for my sake.

My pride's running low right now. Soon, I'm not gonna have any left.

"Are you eating ice cream in the living room? And watching FRIENDS with Harper?"

"Yes, now please leave us three alone for a while."

I'm sure she doesn't mean to sound a tad rude, that she's doing this for me.

The two of them leave and I sigh of relief.

Joey, why can't I meet you and fall helplessly in love with you? I don't get how Monica, Phoebe, or even Rachel didn't fall for him, he's a stud.

"Mum, when are you going to start dinner?"

I turn and look at Romeo.

"I will in a second, honey."

He nods his head before joining us on the couch. Victoria gets up soon after he sits down and heads off to the kitchen to make supper for us kids (and her and David).

"Maddie, can you help me take off my dress in my room?" Harper asks me and I nod my head and follow her to her room.

After an hour, dinner is finally ready and we're digging in to our food.

Romeo finishes first, then me, Cruz, David, Victoria, Harper, and then Brooklyn.

Victoria and I collect the plates and the other four run somewhere, most likely the living room.

"Maddie, would you like to stay the night tonight?" Victoria asks me.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course! Which room?"

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