Cousins Day

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"What time is it?" Liv shouts from across the room.

"Summer time, it's our vacation." I shout back.

"No, it's ten in the morning." She says while shaking her head at me.

"What day is it?" She asks.

"Wednesday." I tell her.

"No, it's cousins day!" She screams, causing me to flinch.

"We are not doing this." I tell her and she makes a face.

"Why not? Liv and Maddie day was amazing, why not this?" She asks.

"No, I embarrassed myself in front of Niall Horan and we watched Liv and Maddie and Pretty Little Liars the whole day."

"And?" She asks me, raising one of her eyebrows.

"Just... no."

"Fine, I'll go do something with a new friend of mine." She says and walks away.

"Wait, what new friend?" I ask, pulling her arm.

"Hayes." She says.

"Hayes Grier?" I ask, my eyes wide.

"No, I don't have a new friend, but I got you." I frown and chase her around the house until I fall down the stairs.

She rushes over to me, laughing and also crying, while trying to help me up.

"Stop crying." I tell her and laugh.

"I can't! You fell down the stairs."

"And? The only thing I can't do is move my hand. Laugh." I say and she stares at my hand.

"We need to take you to the hospital." She says and I gulp.

"Hospital?" I ask her and she nods her head.

I stand up and grin at her.

"Pack some clothes! Hospital here we come!" I scream and run for outside, only to hit my head against the glass door, which causes Liv to laugh.

"Pack heavy." I mutter and walk to the car.

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