Dating A Beckham

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"Would I want to what?" I ask him.

I'm getting very tired and not meaning to sound rude.

"Would you like to, um, be my girlfriend?" He asks me.

He stayed up all night to ask me this? That's so... adorable.

"Well, only if we get to hold hands and kiss in public..."

"I'm willing to do that with you, wherever we go." He says and my heart swells.

Whatever that means... remember, it's two a.m. here.

"Well, I'm sad to tell you that you have to put up with me and my weird likings or cravings for the next eternity." I smile once I hear him sigh with relief.

"I love you," he blurts out.

"I love you, too."

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" He asks.

"Of course," I tell him and we exchange 'byes' and hang up.

Oh, oh, oh. I know we haven't been dating for maybe a month, but I really like dating a Beckham. He's everything I've ever wanted and I love him so much.

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