Rumors Are Rumors, That's All They'll Ever Be

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"Liv, what're you doing?" I ask my cousin, who seems to be more caught up with her phone then our favorite series.

"You're all over Twitter and Instagram." She says and shows me.

"Brooklyn Beckham's girlfriend or ex-girlfriend? What?" I read the caption.

"Yeah, they're saying that you're, basically, cheating on Brooklyn with Jake." She says and my mouth drops slightly.

"Seriously? And with Jake out of all people?" I say. "I mean, I know I had a crush on him when I was little, but I don't like him now."

"Well, hopefully Brooklyn knows that."

Yeah, hopefully.

I smile and grab Liv and my phone and then drag her into my brothers room.

"Everyone, smile." I say and we all smile for the picture I'm taking and then and leave the room with Liv following me.

"What're you doing?" She asks.

"This." I say and post the picture on Instagram and Twitter, both with the caption Rumors are rumors, that's all they'll ever be.

"Clever." Liv high fives me And then we get back to binge watching Teen Wolf.

The next album is going to be titled I Need A Break bc I need a break. And album? Really myself? I meant um... what's the word? OH YEAH! Chapter. That's the word.

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