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You're going to love me for this.

These days, I feel as if there is nothing to do. However, I do know there is millions of things to do. I don't know about you, but I honestly love summer and everything about it.

"Maddie, where'd you go?" Her voice calls out and I go to find her.

"Right here, Sonia." I say as I get in front of her.

I find it quite funny how I had cried, and binged on ice cream, over her when she had hung out with Brooklyn, and now I'm here in France hanging out with the girl I wanted to be that one day. I'd been missing out on a friendship but now this is one of the best things I've done.

"What're you going to get?" She asks and I shake my head at the question.

"I'm not getting anything, I'm good." I tell her.

"No, you're getting something." She says and pulls me into a different store.

We search around before she finds an outfit and we get it before leaving for lunch. Once eating, she drops me off at my hotel and soon leaves after hugging and saying our goodbyes, seeing as I have an early flight to the states in the morning.

I wake up with my bags by the door and call for a cab and check out of the hotel and get into the can waiting on me.

"Where to miss?"

"I'd make a Titanic comment and say 'to the stars,' but I'm not in the mood, so take me to the airport." I tell him and he soon leaves the hotel and I lean my head on the window.

We get to the airport, I pay him, and then make my way inside. Few girls stop doing whatever they were doing and look at me and take pictures as I go to my gate with my ticket and passport. I ignore the looks everyone gives me and find my seat before the plane takes off. I turn my phone on airplane mode before placing my Beats on my head and start listening to Shawn Mendes' EP and Show You comes on and I sway my head as a boy sits down on my left and another one on my right. I try not to stare at them and their beauty but try to focus on the seat in front of me.

I tap on shuffle and instantly Wannabe comes on. I blink away the tears and make the small grin go back to a frown. I mouth along to the song before the grin returns and I start to whisper the lyrics.

"If you wannabe my lover, you've gotta get with my friends, make it last forever, friendship never ends." I whisper and I'm pretty sure I see the boy on my right dancing.

"If you wannabe my lover, you have got to give, taking is too easy, but that's the way it is." A voice says and I look at the boy to my left with a huge grin.

"So here's a story from A to Z, you wanna get with me, you've gotta listen carefully." The one to my right sings.

The three of us then sing the rest of the song to each other and then the song ends and we start laughing.

"I'm Jack." The one to my right says.

"And I'm Jack." Left says and I mentally roll my eyes.

I already know this.

"Yeah, I know - crap that was suppose to be in my head - but I'm Madison Barker." I tell them.

"So you've heard of us?" I stare at him.

"Yes I've heard of you guys! Who hasn't?"

They talk to me for a while until I fall asleep on blondie with my head on his shoulder.

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