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Walking with Harper's right hand tightly around my left one, we walk into the ice cream parlor. We tell the girl, not much older than me, what flavors we want before she hands them to us and I pay.

Harper and I walk to a table and sit down. Victoria had called me this morning and asked if I could babysit Harper, again, so her and David could go somewhere for a bit. I agreed and now here we are, eating ice cream in the middle of Los Angeles.

"What should we do after this?" I ask Harper as I lick some ice cream.

She shrugs her shoulders and I sigh, but smile at her nonetheless. We finish and walk around for a while before I take her back to her house. I get the key to unlock her house out from my pocket and place it in the lock. I turn it to the left and then to the middle and take it out before twisting the door knob and pushing the door.

Harper runs inside the house as I shut the door and go into the kitchen to make her some lunch. I get out the ingredients for macaroni and cheese and get it started.

Harper smiles as she sits down on a chair and draws on the blank piece of paper in front of her. She finishes the same time the macaroni is done and she's me the picture with a grin.

"I drew you, me, and Brooklyn." She grins up at me and I can't help but to do the same to her.

I hold the picture in my hands and look at the three people - Harper, Brooklyn, and me - and smile. Although Brooklyn and I broke up, it was a cute picture and Harper drew it so it was better than any picture I ever drew.

"It's beautiful, Harper." I smile at her and she hugs my legs.

"I knew you'd like it." She says into my right leg.

"No, I love it." I tell her and feel her hug my legs tighter.

"Ready for some macaroni and cheese?" I ask the four, almost five, year old who nods her head.

We eat all of the macaroni and I clean up while Harper watches Disney Channel in the living room. I join her a few minutes later and see she's fallen asleep. I smile as I wrap a blanket around her and lay down as well.

I turn the television off and wait for sleep to take me. It does ten minutes later, the same time the front door opens and shuts and footsteps around the halls.

I wake up to laughing echoing the halls. I sit up and yawn before looking over at the spot where Harper is still sleeping. I look around and look for where the noise is coming from, but the only thing that comes to mind is that it's coming from Brooklyn's bedroom.

I roll my eyes at the sound but feel as if they're an adorable couple. And it makes me sick. I walk to the bathroom and take a pee before washing and leaving with a yawn. I catch Chloë's eyes and we both smile at each other before I walk back to Harper, who's now awake and yawning which makes me yawn.

"Wanna watch a movie and go back to sleep?" I ask her and she nods her head.

I put in Bambi and wrap my arm around Harper and she does the same for me. I kiss her forehead before she falls asleep and I soon follow afterwards.

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