Falling For A Beckham

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I'm thinking of either naming the sequel, if we have one, Falling For A Beckham 2 or Loving A Beckham or something like that. You guys name it. Comment some names that involve Beckham and stuff. Love ya, here's the last chapter.
I look down at my hand, which is intertwined with Brooklyn's, and grin. I glance at Brooklyn for a quick second before looking straight ahead. I spot a few men with cameras, which are pointed at us, and roll my eyes at them.

Brooklyn starts to swing our arms back and forth and I soon join in.

"I want to kiss you." Brooklyn announces out of the blue as we're walking. "Can I kiss you?"

"You don't have to ask to kiss me; just kiss me." I tell him and laugh a bit.

It's not long before Brooklyn places his hands on my cheeks and turning my towards him. He brings me closer to him and kisses my in the forehead, then down to my nose, and finally smashes his lips against mine and wraps an arm around my waist while the other still placed on my cheek.

I kiss him back before he leaves my lips craving for more. I bring back his lips and he smiles during the kiss before we both open our mouths. We move apart from each other and see the lights of cameras being flashed at us.

"We have them quite a show." I joke before we continue our way to the London Eye.

We get there after quite sometime and get on. We get to the top and I almost puke.

"You haven't been on this before, have you?" I shake my head. "It's not that bad, babe, it's just like you're on a roller coaster."

"And I have a great dislike for roller coasters, but I still go on them." I say and he wraps his left arm around me and brings me closer to him.

"You're fine, babe, it's an adventure you now can tell people that you've done." I nod and open my eyes.

We point out objects to each other and I laugh when I find someone that looks like Liv.

"That looks a lot like Liv." I point at the person below us until I get a better look.

"That is Liv." Brooklyn says and we stare at her for the longest amount of time.

We get off of the huge ferris wheel and follow Liv around the big city of London. She walks into a restaurant and says something to the man before he tells her something and she leaves our sight.

"Name please." The man says as we try to follow my cousin some more.

"We're with her." I nod over to my cousin who's getting away from us.

"I'm sorry, the gentleman that called only said a name 'Liv', not you and you."

"I'm her cousin, and she wanted us to come with her." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm sorry, you have to have reservations." I sigh and Brooklyn and I leave the restaurant and sit outside.

I look ahead at the traffic before Brooklyn nudges my arm. I look over to him while he nods over to the right. I look over and see Liv sitting with a blonde guy. We walk slowly over to them and get a closer look of the guy.

"Isn't that..." I say and he nods.

My mouth drops a little bit and continue to stare at them until she goes to look over at us and Brooklyn quickly thinks of something, and the only thing that comes to his mind is kissing me so she wouldn't recognize us.

There's been a lot of kissing these past few days...

We both move our heads away for breath and look over at Liv and her date.

"I can't believe she didn't tell me she was seeing someone." I say and Brooklyn wraps his arm around me.

We walk away and go to an ice cream parlor and order some ice cream before walking out the same time Liv and her lover do. Liv notices us and smiles and walks over to us with the lover.

"Hey." Liv says and hugs me.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I ask her, referring to her and the boy next to her.

"We were just having lunch and then we saw you two." She says while Brooklyn talks to her date.

"I didn't know you two are dating." I whisper to her and watch her face grow red.

"It's kind of private, for now." She says and I nod, understanding where she's coming from.

"Well, I love the idea of the two of you dating." I tell her and her face becomes more red.

The four of us say our goodbyes and go our separate ways. Brooklyn intertwined our fingers as we walk back to his house.

"Dad, we're back." Brooklyn calls, but there's no reply.

"I guess they're all gone." He says and we walk up to his room.

He sits down on his bed and I sit down on a chair. He takes his phone out, smiling at me a couple of hundred times, and then starts talking to his phone.

"Brooklyn here, and I just wanted to do a small video for everyone," he says and then motions for me to come over, but I shake my head, which makes him walk over to me. "This is my favorite girl, Madison Barker, and is the only girl I'm going to kiss like this."

His lips attach to me and I kiss him back. We pull away and he looks back at his phone.

"Her name runs through my thoughts all the time and it's mostly wanting to always hold her close to me and just want to be near her. She's mine and I'm hers. I don't want a relationship of lust, but love, and Mads wants the same thing. Love is the only thing that we need and I love that." He looks at me with a huge smile on his face and I'm pretty sure mine looks the same.

"And I," he starts and looks down at my lips, "I love you. I love her."

I smile wider and wrap my arms around him.

"I love you, too." I tell him and kiss him on the lips.

"I'm in love with you, my sweet darling."

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