A Date With Brooklyn

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"I can't believe my baby girl's going on her first date ever." My mum exclaims.

"You do remember I've had another boyfriend, right?" I ask her.

"Yeah, but Pieter doesn't count right now because you two never went out on a date." She informs me.

I nod my head with the information and she continues to braid my hair and Liv and Meadow help me by picking out my outfit for the night.

"We've found the right outfit!" They exclaim and run out of the closet and into my room, holding a pile of clothes in their hands.

They hand the pieces of clothing to me and I carefully look at them so my mum doesn't mess up with my hair.

I sigh in relief that I now have the perfect outfit for the night and that they didn't get me something slutty because.... they would probably do that for fun and if be laughing with them.

Liv helps me by putting my sandals on my feet and Meadow just smiles like she usually does

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Liv helps me by putting my sandals on my feet and Meadow just smiles like she usually does.

"And tada!" My mum says and let's go of my braid as it drops to my shoulder.

I get up and look in the mirror at myself.

"This looks great." I hug her and all three of them push my into the closet to get ready.

Why the closet and not the bathroom, I will never know. I get dressed and smile at my hair once more in the mirror.

I grab my phone and make my way downstairs, where the three are giving the date of mine a talk

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I grab my phone and make my way downstairs, where the three are giving the date of mine a talk. I smile at how great they are and grab onto Brooklyn's arm.

"Don't do that, that is domestic violence!" Meadow screams and Liv and I laugh at her.

"You look beautiful, like always." Brooklyn says and the three girls in front of us aw.

Oh Brooklyn, you should know not to say some of these things around me. I am still a big fan of your beautiful face... I said nothing of this.

I smile at him and we say our goodbyes before leaving the house and getting into his car and driving to the mall. The best way to have a date.

We walk to a bunch of stores without Brooklyn being recognized, which is strange since he's only wearing sunglasses and there are a ton of girls around.

Overall, Brooklyn bought me clothing and other things, which I told him he shouldn't do but he decided to, and we then leave to go walking around London.

"You know, Maddie, I love you." He says as we walk down the sidewalks that lead to his house that is about a mile away... I know my way to his house more than I do mine and I've lived at mine my whole life.

"I love you too." I tell him.

This is totally the most perfect date with Brooklyn.

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