~ Allen Ending ~

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Life became worth living for her now, knowing the support and admiration she had grown with those around her motivated her in every aspect of her life. The halls now filled with laughter, joyous praise, a lighthearted song throughout the whole place. Yet, even with the lighthearted song being sung, something itched at the girl, something she couldn't quite pin down. Something had changed suddenly, she couldn't tell if it was just the weather or that maybe someone switched the thermostat making her temperature rise. But, it wasn't all the time now, it was when a certain someone walked in the room. When they'd make eye contact and she'd quickly look at anything other than their gaze. When they'd speak and all she could look at was their lips, the constant back and forth of the gleam in their eyes to their lips, almost forgetting that she was supposed to be listening to the conversation. And yet, she'd never felt this way before, so how could she describe it?

"I'm ill!" She exclaimed, flailing on the top of her bed whilst praying to the ceiling for guidance. The sweet silence became her reply as she scoffed to the side, wondering what to do with her new, sudden illness.

She'd spent days scribbling in a journal, describing her symptoms; sweaty palms, a quickened heartbeat, a loss for words, avoidant eye contact. Yet, describing the symptoms made her question whether or not this was a real illness or something else.


"Whatcha doing?" A certain redhead called out, peering from behind me. His eyes scanned the pages with my chicken scratch handwriting, my inexplicable feelings being described on a page for him to see. I'd jolted in my seat at my desk, his appearance too sudden for me to react properly.

"HEY!" I quickly tried covering up, but I feared the damage was done as his interest had grown. Allen went into teasing mode, immediately snatching up the book and taunting it above my head.

"No, what is this," he chuckled, eyes gleaming at the mushy words. I grew into a panicked state, clawing at the words I had so meticulously thought of to describe what I was feeling. At first, Allen burst out laughing, spewing nonsense in between wheezing.

"What the hell is this shit (Name)?" he said, tears forming at the sides of his eyes.

"Please, Allen! Give it back!" my voice was strained, as I could feel a lump form in my throat.

"No way, this is too-" he stopped, reading over a sentence again, then again, then again.

He looked at me, his eyes displaying a different emotion rather than the condescending man I'd known before.

He turned the page in my direction, finger pointed at a line.

"This, this right here is my name." He said, a dead-set seriousness in his voice.

My eyes widened like saucers, my heart threatening to leap out of my chest if it wasn't trapped in my rib cage.

"Yeah," I mumbled, unsure of how to reply, unsure of what to think, unsure of what to do without crashing face-first into reality.

"You wrote my name," he underlines his name, "and love in the same line."

I honestly considered calling the paramedics at this point as my heart started to palpitate abnormally, I felt like every part of me was melting away yet at the same time paralyzed and forced to endure the torture of this moment.

"Yes, it seems so." This was my reply? THIS WAS MY REPLY?

It's in this moment everything seemed to change; his body language was no longer defensive as usual, his lips parted slightly as he took short, fast, breaths, but his eyes. Oh, his eyes, how they seemed to change in the light. Soft and gentle, almost pleading to know, to know if what I said was true. If anything I had written foolishly on lined paper had any drop of honesty to them.

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