~Chapter Forty One~

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"Allen." I began, my eyes deadly angry. "I strongly dislike you right now."

That stupid smirk of his laced its way to his lips, and he looked very pleased with himself.

"Are you sure don't hate me?"

"No, not yet." I grumbled and crossed my arms angrily.

What a child.


Looking back at an unamused Viktor a creeping realization kicked in.

I can't hold a conversation if my life depended on it.

A thick layer of silence embedded the room as I shifted my weight back and forth. I kept a wary eye towards the fallen corpse on the floor but no longer freaked out as much. My heartbeat finally paced down, no longer wanting to leap out of my body. However, the vivid imagery returned.

How was I supposed to act normal now, knowing what I know? I looked up at Allen, he was still laughing quietly, he seemed content. Viktor stared at me, just with no expression at all. His eyes read, "do something I guess," like I was some sort of entertainment.

I was alright with that. Merely being a source of entertainment was fine by me, it wouldn't be the first time. At least here, I feel needed, wanted, even if at times they sense I'm crazy. The hollow bit of my soul that longed for some sort of belonging began to feel full. Yeah, they might be a bit psychotic and crazy, but so was I.

This sounds like a bad case of Stockholm syndrome.

Truly, it was.

"What the fuck is going on here?" A lazily sounding Lutz said from behind me. Turning around, my breath hitched in my throat at the image that grazed my eyes. I quickly raised my hands to my face, covering my eyes but leaving a small crack open.

"I could say the same for you! What the hell are you wearing?!" I squeaked out, my heart beat speeding up again.

I could sense Lutz shrug at me, seeing nothing wrong in his appearance. He was in his same attire as this morning; simply wearing a pair of black boxers, the rest of his body out on display. I stepped back, wary of not running into the other two standing behind me.

"What? I just woke up." Was Lutz's answer.

"It's like five in the afternoon." I replied, obviously.

"What's your point?"

I let out a quick, frustrated sigh. "Lutz, I saw you in the morning."

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