~Chapter Fifty Three~

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Taken aback her voice cracks, "Wait, you don't know them?"

"We've never had to. All we know is to dislike them, in it's our code." He replies, nonchalantly, blank even.

"Code?" Growing worried she stops in her steps, however only to be met with the end of the line.

"Here we are!"


"MAIN FLOOR 2" the small silver panel above the massive doors read. Ivan held the door for everyone and as (Name) walked past she gave a brief smile and small, "Thank you," earning the tiniest bit of blush from him. As she tumbled past him she stopped at the entrance in awe. The whole floor was massive, bright florescent lights illuminating the gigantic room. The first floor was filled with machines, the cliche big boxes filled to the brim with buttons in front of grand screens. (Name) made sure not to touch anything, no matter how tempting the big red button seemed. Alfred continued to lead the way, waving towards the girl every time she got too caught up with looking at a certain item. On the furthest side of the room was a staircase, leading deeper into the floor and they all headed towards it. (Name)'s track record with stairs wasn't that good so it was only a matter of time until she fell onto the person standing in front of her. Slipping on a step she accidentally held onto Yao for stability, sheepishly smiling at him when he turned back.

"Sorry!" She squealed, quickly getting off and stabilizing herself once more.

"Bùyòng dānxīn!(It's fine don't worry!)" He replied, grabbing her hand and making sure she got back to her feet right.

The girl chuckled lightly, unaware of what he said but grateful for his sympathy. Attentive of her terrible clumsiness she began stumbling down the steps once more. They made it to the next floor, this one much different than the last. Scattered around the floor were massive containers of something. Bright orange goop, in what can only be described as tanks illuminated the floors around them. The others trod lightly around each tank, constantly on the lookout for others.

(Name) couldn't help herself, she couldn't let it go. "What is this?" She questioned, getting close but not in dangerous proximity.

"It's, difficult to explain." Alfred started, cautiously looking at her.

"Isn't this all?" She jokingly replied.

"We're not entirely sure either," Ludwig said, trying to get past it.

(Name) paused, negative thoughts swarming to her mind. "Please. Just... tell me."

The room sighed, everyone looking at each other briefly before Arthur began, "Earlier we explained that the second players were deliberately made. Now although that is true they, the company, were also trying to recreate us."

Confused, she looked back at the goop. Puzzled as to how the two are connected.

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