~Chapter Twelve~

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Chloe had just placed a hand on Matt's thigh.



Dashing to the table the bell of the door rang and I stopped, seeing who had just walked in.


(Name) stopped in her tracks, turning back around and going to the back of the diner.

He's here.

She breathed heavily, unknowing of what to do. Becky came to the back and questioned the poor troubled girl.

"(Name)? Are you alright?"

Looking up at the brunette girl, (Name) swallowed deeply. Jessica had walked in suddenly, "(Name), table 6 wants you to serve them." (Name)'s eyes flew wide and she knew it was him asking for her.

Why can't he just leave me alone? She wondered.

Taking deep breaths she pulled herself together, reminding herself who she is.

She hung her head high and adjusted herself. "Okay, I'm going." She walked out and instantly spotted the table full of boys. They had probably just come to bug her, specifically a certain brunette boy.

She walked up the table and instantly all laughter that was once lively at the table had died down. "Hello boys." She said sarcastically.

Her eyes laid on a certain one, and she stumbled back seeing him smirk.

"(Name)" He began.

She stood her ground and replied. "Jonathan."

He stood up and stood on her right side, getting extremely close. He began fumbling with a strand of her hair, her fidgeting uncomfortably. She looked off to the distance, refusing to lock eyes with him.

"You've been avoiding me lately." He said playfully.

(Name) took steady breaths, trying to stay calm in her current situation.

The others at the table didn't pay attention to the scene, mumbling between themselves.

"I told you no, and that won't change so I would advise you to give up." He got closer to her, breathing down her neck. "I love it when you play hard to get."

"Hey." Called out from behind him. (Name) turned her head to see her two boys standing behind Jonathan.

Her eyes lit up and she was overjoyed inside.

"Yeah?" Jonathan growled, staying forward, his temper lost.

"Back off." Allen replied, a glint of anger shone in his ruby eyes.

Jonathan smirked, stepping back to see the two defenders. (Name) stepped back as well, stumbling backwards.

"You know them (Name)?" Said the brunette, still acting cocky and full of himself.

She nodded timidly, walking towards them.

"I didn't think you'd be that slutty." He said with a chuckle.

(Name) turned around to slap him, but didn't, knowing the trouble that would ensue if she did.

However (Name) didn't need to slap him, because he got a hard punch straight to the face from-

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