~Chapter Thirty Six~

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(Name) yawned as she walked the hallway to the main room. Seeing no one, she plopped herself onto one of the couches. The sun had already set and the soft orange hues were replaced with blues and purples. Some stars deciding to pop up early with the appearing moon. The sight was nice, the color's contrast left a satisfying aesthetic feeling in the girl.

Maybe I should just sleep here for now, as my room is super filthy. But, there's always a risk to these kind of things. What should I do? Sleep on the couch, or sleep in my dusty room?


Yeah, no thanks dust bunnies....

I prop myself on the opposite rugged couch, this one seeming more new and comfy. The soft grey cloth rubbed against my cheek and I gently pressed my face against it. I lay my head against the cushion and curl up into a sleeping position. At this point in the day I'm just so exhausted the moment my eyes shut I'm immediately taken into dream land.

~~~No dreams guys, just some much needed sleep~~~

My lashes flutter open and I find myself awake in the middle of the night. Too bad I can't tell what time it is, IF ONLY I HAD MY PHONE I COULD. Groaning at the fact the sun isn't even up yet, I lick my lips just to feel that they're abnormally dry. My throat being a bit parched I get up from the couch and decide to get a cup of water. Tip toeing my way into the hallway, I make sure no one is in sight before turning to the left to go into the kitchen. Once no voices or footsteps could be heard I enter the kitchen and quickly search the cabinets for a glass, finding one I get some water from the fridge and quickly down it. Rinsing the cup lightly, I place the cup into the dish washer so it could dry before putting it back into the cupboard.

Turning around quickly I nearly scream as I come face to face with a drunken Frenchman. The reek of alcohol fills my senses, it giving me second-hand drunkenness. His dark purple dress shirt was extremely wrinkly with many stains on it, it probably being a causes of the stench. My eyes move from the bottle in his hand, to the bags under those dark violet eyes of his.


He squints for a moment, glaring at me with hidden interest. Muttering something in his foreign language he questions me afterwards, "Who the fuck are you again?"

Yes, that did just happen.

I honestly want to laugh my heart out at the moment. Either he wasn't paying attention the whole day and stayed somewhere locked up like a hermit or he's too drunk off his ass to remember me. Either way both of these are sad options.

I squint back at him momentarily, wondering if he was for real. Yup. He was. "(Name)....?"

No longer squinting at me, he straightens himself up, nods, and walks off. I kid you not, this man just asked me who the fuck I was, nodded, then left.

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