~Chapter Thirty Three~

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Knowing the ice cold man would once open up to you, fills you with determination.  


The cheesy fandom quote filled the girl's heart with content.

"So, what are you doing here?" She tried to sound as less suspicious as possible. 

Kuro simply glares at her. "I was trying to find the "none of your" ."

Her eyes lit up, curiosity creeping in. "What's that?"

"None of your business." She fidgeted as she saw his sly trick. "Oh."

(Name)'s eyes fell the floor, suddenly finding interest in the navy blue carpet. She kicked the floor, unsure of what else to do/say. "Sooooo."

Kuro didn't even hesitate.

"I uh, I guess I'll head back then?" She said sheepishly.

Still nothing.

"Okay." She stepped her way to the door, stopping just at the frame. "I uh, I'll see you later?" Her voice went up as she spoke. She was a nervous wreck around this rude stoic anime boy man thing.


She hung her head down and walked out into the hallway.




"What do you mean you can't find my daughter?!" (Name)'s mom furiously screamed.

"Mam, it hasn't been 24 hours yet plus she's an adult she probably just ran away out of rebellion or something." The calm police behind the glass counter said.

The woman growled, she was done not finding answers about her daughter. What if one of those wild boys took her away?! What would she do? What would she say?! All the members of the DA would know that her hooligan daughter ran away to be some savage in god-knows-where.

"Can I speak with your supervisor?" She asked with a tempered tone. Her eyes full of flames of anger. Oh when she finds (Name) is she going to have a talking to.

"Sorry miss, he's out at the moment." He replied monotonously. All he wanted was to get rid of this lady, Jesus Christ was she annoying.

The woman growled again. Her temper was very short as you can see. "Do you know when he'll be back?!"

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