~Chapter Thirty Eight~

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"Are you done yet!?" Flavio yelled from behind the door, the tapping sound stopping for a second. "No! Give me a minute." She heard happy mumblings and squeals and rolled her eyes at it. He was like a child in a candy store, that reminded her of a line from one of her favorite musicals.


The imagery of Flavio as Heather Chandler filled her mind and she laughed at the idea. Pushing her stupid meme thoughts aside she began scanning through the items of clothing given to her, her jaw flying open by the sight of a certain piece.



Laced into my fingers was a short, pink, extremely puffy dress. I shudder in disgust and drop the clothing on the floor. "This is utterly too pink for me." I say in obvious distaste. "Ugh, honey that was from an old season I am with you." Flavio replied with almost the same amount of distaste.

Scrambling through the clothes, I searched for undergarments only finding a pair of distasteful pieces of strings. "Flavio, I thought you gave me underwear...?" I squeak out. "I did." He replied, sure of himself. "These are pieces of strings." I held up the pieces of lingerie that were strings in my eyes. "...and?" An imaginary tick mark growing on the side of my head I slightly growl, "This isn't underwear." I hear mumblings in another language, but eventually a sigh in defeat, "Fine. I'll be right back."

I hear his steps grow farther away from me and I breathe in, taking in the moment of silence. I sigh and take a moment to address my surroundings. I was in a medium sized dressing room with a small sitting stool on the right side, next to the door. A simple light hung above me, partly lighting up the room. Behind me was a mirror attached to a door, I wondered what was in the room but let it be for the time being. To my left was a clothes hook, however what was on it stunned me.

On a simple hook hung a gorgeously handmade lacy wedding dress. My breath caught in my throat as I stepped towards the masterpiece. I intertwined my fingertips into the fabric, feeling the soft silk. The top of the dress was a statement piece, bits of laced daisies covering the chest and a lacing around the sleeves. Underneath the lace was a thin fabric, used to expose the bare skin but hide just enough over lace. The waist down wasn't a thick gown but a medium sized fluffy gown, not too much but not too little. In the middle was a strand of silk to tie a bow around the waist. The ends of the dress was sewn with exquisite bright flowers; mixes of blues, purples, and sunset reds were woven at the tail. The bright pieces left the gown extraordinarily different, but beautiful.

I was dying to try this dress on, and by the looks of it, it would most likely fit. "Hey Flavio?" I call out with no answer. "I'm gonna try on this dress okay?" I say once again with no answer.

Slipping into the gown I button up the white buttons on the back and wrap the bow behind me. Breathing in, I turn to face myself in the mirror behind me.

Breathing out, I stood shocked. I looked gorgeous in this dress, absolutely stunning. My figure fit the dress perfectly, it was almost as if it was made just for me. A grin grows on my lips as I twirl side to side in the gown.

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